kassidy profile picture


i love bam margera

About Me

hey my name is kassidy myers im 13 years old my best friends r tessa whiteduck and britny disher i go to hadley high skool i live in hull,quebec i luv bam margara.

My Interests

i like to snowboarding,skateboarding,eating,brushing my teeth,cleaning the kitty litter,picking my nose and bum, breathing lmao and playing the guitar.pooping

I'd like to meet:

i would like to meet bam margara and paris hilton,


my favorite music is pink floyd,led zeppelins,akon,snoop dogg,ice cu be,2pac,i like rap and rock.


my favorite moivies are jackass,jackass number 2,pirates of the caribbean 1 and 2,edwared sissorshands,detorit rock city, pink floyd the wall,finding nemo,the incredibles,jay and slient bob strikes back,clerks 2,


my favorite tv shows are bams unholy union,viva la bam,thats 70 shows,friends,the simpsons,family guy.


the tv guide,green eggs and bam(ham)oops:)sudoku,word search,


my heros are bamand my mommy oh ya how can i forget tom from my space:)without him i wouldnt no what to do with all my spare time:) my cinnamon gurl