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Seeing this generation truly fall in with God, seeing lives forever changed because of the love that God gave and seeing the differnce that one life can make, because of the pasion and the love they have for others on the inside of them...and I love to sing and play guitar~Go to concerts, play balloon paint balling :)...being spontaneous...and just enjoying life and my journey with the LORD!!
I want to meet some of those actresses around my age so I can explain to them that there is so much more to life than what they look like...and that they are never going to FEEL COMPLETLY satisfied with themselves if they don't know JESUS...because he is everything that they will ever want or need!! Their self worth and self value is not found from all the material things they have posessed...its found from within...and if they do not have the love of God...they are always going to be searching for it in other things...
EVER STAYS RED ROCKS!!!! United live, Jeremy Camp,Stellar Kart...Basically Christian rock and alternitive...and ROCKETT SUMMER!!
HOW TO LOOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS!! Ice age, Narnia, Die hard...Definitly has to be Action, comedy or chick flicks!!
O MAN...24...thats all I have to say!!!
THE BIBLE...the greatest love story ever written to man kiind!! The Art of Prayer...with out prayer God is unable to move on the earth, because through prayer that gives God permission on the earth to do the things we pray out according to His word...
Those who truly lay everything down for the cause of the gospel...Christianity is not religion, its relstionship, and those who have found that have something so great to offer to this world!!!