My roast chicken kicks Jamie Oliver's butt, prosciutto and all. I like to please people but sometimes when you compliment them they get suspicious; conversely if you please their palate, they wish they were hungry all over again. Finance, golf, running, reading, films
Barack Obama, Tom Wolfe, Billy Bob Thornton, Bill Murray and Johnny Depp.
I like it. Billie Holiday, Amy Winehouse, Corinne Bailey Rae, Damien Rice, Greg Brown, David Bowie, Peter Gabriel, Santana, Louis Armstrong, Gwen Stefani
The quirky kind (Jim Jarmusch, Christopher Guest and early Ang Lee) but also films like Lost in Translation, The Queen, As Good As it Gets, Shawshank Redemption, School Of Rock, Bruce Lee films
YouTube, Prison Break, Heroes, Lost, Seinfeld
A Man In Full, Death in Venice, The Long Tail, The World Is Flat, Catch 22
Ang Lee (Taiwan kid takes on the world), Bill Clinton, Robert Rubin, Alan Greenspan