2006: Before astonished fans and anxious press World renowned Scottish Marine Biologist Kerr Cormag stepped inside his solo guided sub "The Tattie" to begin what the science community called, "The single greatest/stupidest/greatest mission to the bottom of the oceans deepest depth: The Mariana trench.
The sub's hull groaned and sweat rolled into his eyes as Cormag's depth meter read 36,000 feet. Further in the distance he could hear the waterlogged sounds of what could only be described as some very serious guitar shredding. Through the darkness he focusing his eyes and computer tracking gear on the mysterious wailing. Cormag was shocked to discover a man-like-creature actually living, breathing, and yes - ROCKING underwater: Clanging conk shells, strumming sting rays, and bursting all available bubbles.
Cormag made the quick decision to take and share this rare but beautiful discovery with the civilized world. And thus the legend of The Rocktopuss was born.
It was soon discovered that coming ashore and adapting to the new environment was surprisingly easy for the Rocktopuss. It seemed that experiencing AIR was the most exhilaratingly experience that he had ever known. He needed everything AIR including AIR GUITAR.After his Regional win in Ohio last year and his current National rank of 7th. The Rocktopuss trains tirelessly for the coveted 1st place at this years NATIONAL AIR GUITAR contest.