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capture the definitive, then expand your blessings

About Me

greetings all! so now i'm suddenly typing away, i know it has been long enough. those who were in desperate need of seeing an about me column being complelted. yet if it is not as complete as certain people may think. then i will need suggestions given to i. i very well embrace every diverse culture of universal dramatic theatres, as well as ballet's, makeup, fashion, a-z New wave operas, and being able to view every aspect of musical theatre. of any body is from liverpool, please know pete wylie has a heart as big as it. then reminfd me of certain ratio, and dalek i love you. and my dearest and most influential DJ John peel 1939-2004. my vocabulary by plenty has been known to be reminscent of the old word vocabulary. queens english for example. although, i may not speak too often, because several people in this country seem to be too lost in the words. at least certain. my friend joe wong, for he has spoke of me as phony. which in reality is not true, it would be because of my infinite heartfelt respect i have for every individual who is more than accepting of one another. because he regards me as true nice. yes, it could be. though what does it make me in actuality? i find it rather igonorant and unappealing when there are people who pretend to be people they are not. so please, STOP PRETENDING! i'm an avid reader of various international young adult and fantasy stories i had been reading 4ever. i'm of mixed european origin: Ukraine, french, irish, welsh, and norwegian. i enjoy every aspect of makeup. especially in theatre, and during occasional events. i love playing various analogue keyboards synthesizers. especially the Kurzweil!. i was enchanted, and drawn to keyboards after hearing a eclectic array and string of Unusally expermintal music, Moog synthesizers, my dear wendy carlos, paul mauriat, and various Industrial and new wave groups through the 70's, 80's, and some today too. given of singing influnces, i've always been in deep love with the vocals of andy mccluskey, klaus nomi, neil tennant, and philip oakey. to name a few. my original, (original birth name was Gabriel delevanwah shenson. though it was changed very quickly when my mother married my father. becuase my mother's originally was shenson. then became miilar. though soon, it shall return to shenson. i have a very pale appearance. have a long term memory. i'm left handed and regarded as very sensitive by my mother. there are other events of my life iwould most dearly love to share, though i cannot think of them now. though, i promise you all i will update this profile every now and then when i remember what to say about me. if others are curious, or need to know anything about me immediatly, please help yourself and i would be delighted to answer all of your questions. i know that the number of friends in my folder can be an issue with certain people, but don't worry, i'm very good with returning others messages. thank you for viewing! agin, please do not worry. i will be happy to talk t oall of you. i know that there are certain people who fret about new friends being added, and feeling that i will not return their messages, or talk to them. i will talk to all of you. l9iie isaid beofre, i could certainly return others messages very well. i'm definintly not a myspace spammer, i exist. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

drama, all aspects of acting, dramatic art/arts, Keyboards, New wave, ambient, electronic, electroclash, acid jazz, industrail electronica, various and unusual hairstyles, postively falling in love, cooking, discovering various recipes and ingredients and undiscovered cookbooks, Diversity, acceptance, helping and loving one another, sketch art, paintings, visiting international arts musuems, palace of fine arts, asia art museums, understandings without misunderstandings, quiet areas, natural woods and nature/oceanic visits, the colour of spring, life is what you amke it, listening, great influences and inspirations i wish i could write in book though it would take awhile to conduct/ katie, who is very special and influential, record stores, Libraries, acupuncture, medieval dress wardrobes, shakespeare words, arts, hobbies and crafts of world literary etiquette, bill cosby, (giggles) staying and knowing who you are beneath your unique skin, patience, art herstory, and having the reward to study cultures from various diverse people, socialogy, psychology, darwin, even though i'm not very well with math, i fancy the studies of pythagoras, and geometry, Biology:espicially the study of sea and wild animals and creatures, physics, chemistry, and earth science, wearing makeup and learning other makeup designs, attending gothic, post-punk and new wave shows and concerts/ beeteljuice and lydia deetz: my other mother and father, i was only a few months, and would have just turned 1 during the film's release, adam ant and his bondage, eerings, working in restaurants, bicycles, helping to solve others problems, fashion, 17th century art, documentires on nature, science, bios, visiting various horror and anime conventions, remembering my happy comics books collections, comforting, cosmo kramer personalities, living in the tim burton and danny elfmin worlds, attedning lollapalooza, glastobury, and other cultural music festivals when i could, staying connected, aware and true to my cultural roots, traveling the universal world, being yourself, peter pan, zombies, cosmetics, silly waylon bacon drawings, cooking Madeldeines cookies, baking breads with poppie seeds, Boy george's voice, unusual and eccetric humours, timothy dalton films, hoping to create an english garden soon, cookie's and creme soy ice cream, mochi, yummi, Japanese cultures, Mark Hollis, (i wish he was my parent) medieval, time period films, being lost for hours, and at least 5 days in any rural country in northern europe, in the woods located in the south of france, massachusetts falling leaves, silliness, junk food memories, memoirs and reflections on the best days of our lives, cinema secret's bloodbath parties, Cosmetology, hairdressing, all world foods, shiny, stuffed animals, Dolls, teas, wu wei, jasmine passion, caressing, and wavey hair, coloured eye contacts, transgendered, everythnig Japanese, Danish, Irish, and all other nationatlities of interests, Synthetic, sometimes repetivtive, sounds, Synths, Casio, Korgs, yamaha', steinways, al analgues, all thrift stores, and stores, cafes, obscure cafes, bridge ponds, of all colours, when crossing,all rural and fields grassy places, colured fields, China, Guonbg don,g shanghai, beijing, all Honk Kong, to name few, note: it is not real blood, fred hembeck, the love parades, being with my drama teacher mr. gamba, and seeing him steal highways from freeways nearby sacraminto and san jose, then decorating, and setting them all across his classroom, senor dewall fabolous spanish teacher, the cosby from the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's, hyper postive energy, teeth, Fashion and culture magazies a-z, berry berry kix cereals, seeing various cities, colours and body paintings, installations, sculptures and ceramics, listening to every song from the post 70's and a-z 80's without the chessy trumpet or saxophone, the sparks twins, peter murphy's "cuts you up" video and combo audio's enjoyable video 4 romiticide,trying to watching various a-z hours of vhi classic requests hours of "we are the eighties", the alternative 3 late nights a week, and total request hours!/unusual design shoes, all forms and aspects of old, modern and interantional photography and graphics, 70's/80's, early mid 90's nintendo, super nintendo games too, tattoos, brilliant and simple minds, sign language, philosphy, universal mythology, rainbows, outfits, and wild costumes, people knowing what there talking about, opening up, being completely honest, low voice, calming qualities, an end to negativity, no more yelling or argumints towards another, if only that could be here globally and eternally/ not neccessary, even though it does happen to everybody, it can be diffcult to avoid for some people, most poeple i see nowadays, seem more happy passionately and thoughtfully, though if they are willing it can escape very easily, should be easily solved, gothic architecture, reading all genre of books, kqued and pbs tv's, viewing the nova show, supporting, listeing, tasting, realizing, believing in you, empathy and sympathy, embracing the tastes, delightful and unusual unique experiences, no judegmental people, physical and great health, ethereal, organizing, subdued, peace keeping, serving and protecting, understanding, accepting, forgiving you, realizng, revealing, living, arranging, celebrating, dancing, performing, pleasing, pure and simple, flexbility, accomplishing, acquiring, giving, sharing, and sharing such great stories, drawing, sculpting, installations, ceramics, improvisation, various meanings, learning and exploring everything of everything, of the world, the planets and the infinite understandings, multi-talented: and knowing you are, fresh and clean, passions, respectfully ,and elegantly proper, even though the defining meaning of proper is and has been debated upon it's meaning several times, people asking me in-depth questions, unique differences, Mr. darcy, openly positive and accepting, inpsprired and inlfluenced, sensitivity, patience, compassionate, loving, continously and postively understanding, genourous and happily received traits, knowing your inner-selves, confident, knowing those who are not rude, harmony and equality, real, passionatley serious, express, concious and intellectual, knowledge, tuned and philisophical, destined, and worldly, avoiding negativity, mystic, psychologically aware, careful in every situation, long term memory, nurturing and nourishing, gentle, willing and, having self-control, interesting and showing great interest, ageless, numerous, unidiscovered worlds, attuned, visionary, holographic, genious potentials, recoginizing your talent, knowing you are being listened to, imaginative, inventive, reflectionsas one, elemintal, wonder, highly inlclined, deep understandings, sublte personalities, insights, logical, sources, perspectives, evolve, blossom, persistant, musical, humorous, a good listener, attentive, great with animals, intuitive, kind, observant, individualistic, respectful, honest, being there, architecture and morality, Bjork fashion, attaining an open and flexible being, knowing spoken word no matter how long it may be, it can be intended well, dangly eerings, envisioning and noticing unseen and newly discovered rainbows, rasuring and reminding, helpful, "before you play two notes learn how to play one note-and don't play one note unless you've got a reason to play it."~mark Hollis/ scanned and plastic images of enlightning events, creativity the gift and infinite blessings of time, Ren'ee, Vienna, high above a hillside will you know the answers you are looking for, sacred, archealogy, are you (as everynoe in the world) always have to bleidve of what your being told? or are you in fine devloping strategies of knowing what you know through everything, self-(taught) education, embracing our individual youth, ponder, exloring the qualties of outdoor minours,abstract expressionsim, passions, irony, contradiction, skeptiscim , violins, eccentrcity, mellos, cellos, silence, emotions, ethereal oceans, monochrome, Linguistics, dark/dry humours, spontaneity, Brilliance, sincercity, Diversity, everything of everything in Diversity, Intellects, thinking outisde the box, sharing with your friend, or individual what you are thinking this second, laidback, compassionate, aspiring, inquistive, abnormal, real ,passions, open, simply being, individiuals certain mysteries, voice your prfound thoughts, it can be easy for you to avoid being callous and hesisitant, and have the tendency to lack response for you, (the peraon, indivduals certian knowings

I'd like to meet:

anybody who is all kind and sweet respectful. New wavers!!!!!, all those who have great and real enthusiam for the new wave culture a-z. New wave musicans if there any. keyboardists and pianists, all punk, post-punk, ska, heavy metal, grindcore metal, industrail, Mod, Synth and keyboard instructors and teachers, and all Gothic subcultures people is always such a delightful greeting. hairdressers, fashion conosseurs, the art of wearing tight clothing, Julian lennon, andy mccluskey, pete wylie, john bowe, Michael richards, boys wil be girls, is there anybody who love planting umbeleivable gardens? david gahan, gypsy's, original native americans, individuals of diversity, liam neeson, betty page and audrey hepurn lovers, bondage people, collapsing new people, porcelain, those who embrace all glam, glitter, lipgloss, modeling, people who also have love for colin firth, medievial and renaissance people, Vampires, zombies, ghouls and goblins, ethereal dreamers, those of unusually experimintal qualities, andy patridge, Morten harket, Jarvis whithead, Serge Gainbourg, sal solo, diverse individuals, the entire Tokyo population, ron and russell mael, my other sister, Tommy tune, Victoria de los angeles, James irvin, 20/20, (the group), nicole salvo, Nikolai tesla, Drew arnott, simple brains, Bridgitte bardot, bis, old, vintage, rare, nintendo music, take me to sega lands too. steinways, waterey eyes with powderey skins, those who can sey "we came here to dance", in a newley formed "danish playground" out of the pink, greenlands, cetu javu, scary thieves, peter banks, and memory banks, jean marie carroll, anyone with 7 fingers too, durutti column, Montreal gardeners, who i need to visit again^_^, natural lovelies, alessi, alain jourgensen, catherine denueve, The zombies, creative rainbows, walkdeck, the dining rooms, as one, Morcheeba, autechre, not so basic person with unusual, thoughtful grammer and etiquette, neil jordan, jaye davison, abtan sued who is was oncein prescorr arizona, and is suddenley in versailles too, bill plympton, christopher Lloyd, David cronenberg, janete neopalitano, my professor wally jay, vintage creals, and older cartoons, and music too, ana, my extended families in Istanbul ,who are also more extensive then the myspace world, rae scabies, armin mueller stahl, claudette, sorayas, all the books stores in the universe, vegan teas, how come there was rareley a game girl? and a game boy? lydia deetz, vintage ears, robert preston, harvey fierstein,ari sadoi, klaus kompaan, stephen "tin tin" duffy, dangley errings,velvet sleeves


a-ha, the associates, billy mackenzie, einstende neubauten, throbbing gristle, 23 skidoo, cabaret voltaire, broadcast, aztec camera, morten harket, savoy, pet shop boys, ryuichi sakamoto, heaven 17, human league, philip oakey/giorgio moroder, david sylvian, mick karn, Japan, elliott smith, the cure, blank and jones, paul mauriat, peaches, paul hardcastle, strange advance, the screming tribesmin, wendy carlos, all a-z, moog synthesizers, Klaus nomi, brian eno!, the animals, eric burdon, argent, colin blunstone, the zombies, julian cope, teardop explodes, the crucial three, alphaville, Pete wylie and mighty wah! ian mcculoch, echo and the bunnymen, aswad, James, Jamiraquai, electronic, durutti colomn, scritti politti, air, the blue nile, Jude cole, China Crisis, combo audio, Marc almond, soft cell, jimmy somerville, bronski beat, the comunards, after the fire, can, Mark Hollis, O-rang, Talk Talk, The The, the thompson twins, John Lennon, Lobo, Classix Nouveaux, x-ray spex, chicks on speed, Kraftwerk, siouxsie and the banshees, Dead or Alive, the art of noise, bryan adams, adam and the ants, bow wow wow, ABC, Mike scott, social distortion, the waterboys, the alarm, depeche mode, placebo, fiona apple, tori amos, p,j, harvey, BJork, Morrisssey, The Smiths, Orchestral maneuvres in the dark, Laurie anderson, suicide, the arcade fire, thomas dolby, british electric foundation, stan ridgway, wall of voodoo, solo boy george, Culture club, the inmates, pat benatar, the b-52's, big country, bananarama, falco, breakfast club, simple minds, bryan ferry, roxy music, gang of four, magazine, telivision personalities, the fall, blur, the bozo dog doo dah band, the boomtown rats, howard jones, Babble, paul brady, kate b., the buzzcocks, Pete shelley solo, dave gahan, martin l. gore, recoil, the beatiful south, paddy mcaloon, Prefab sprout!, the proclaimers, Berlin, solo terri nunn, a flock of seagulls, the fixx, the wonder stuff, public image limited, icehouse, ive davies, icicle works, the psychedelic furs, love spit love, dead kennedy's, jello biafra, lard, early ministry 81-89, cradle of filth, John lennon, Julian lennon, that one Sean Lennon cd too, Blondie, the bangles, erykah badu, graham parker and the rumour, 20/20, great buildings, haircut 100, wire train, the tubes, front 242, fischer-z, wheat, mellow, george michael, wham!, early euruthmics, annie lennox, dave stewart, dave ball, animotion, Joy division, new order, duran duran, the buckighams, happy mondays, the mission, the church, the charlatans, the chameleons, the stranglers, hugh cornwell, jean-jaques burnell, jean-michel jarre, boyzone, take that, robbie williams, Bolshoi, Mrc Bolan, T. rex, tim buckley, Jeff buckley, vince clarke and martyn ware, Yazoo, erasure, alison moyet, marshall crenshaw, the liberstines, captain beefheart and the magic band, 13th floor elevators, the magnetic fields, dire straits, mark knopler, link wray, the sonics, hasil adkins, the Cramps, belnida calisle, the go-go's, Jane wiedlin, the misfits, the godfathers, killing joke, the cars, ric ocasek, romeo void, catatonia, nick cave, nick drake, Clannad, Enya, scandal, patty smyth, the dave clark five, the beau brummels, red rockers, rick springfield, dwight twilley, phil seymour, Blancmange, the monroes, human sexual response, the rentals, george clinton, marianne faithfull, John cale, velevet underground, senor coconut, cockney rebel, cocteau twins, Lloyd cole and the commotions, early elvis costello, crash test dummies, Leonard choen, Cat Stevens, Crowded house, Neil finn, finn brothers, Bros, split enz, Jools holland, Squeeze, Paul carrack, furniture, murray head, ian brown, the stone roses, pinback, terence trent d'arby, strange advance, Devo, mark mothersbough scores, A-z, celebrate the nun, Cetu Javu, the damned, spencer davis group, traffic, steve winwood, deep purple, dexy's midnight runners, syd barrett, michelle shocked, chicks on speed, dion and the belmonts, peter, paul and mary, husker du, bob mould, the Pixies, breeders, frank black records, half japanese, Donovan, poy styrene, ian dury and the blockheads, medium, medium, the replacemints, Johnny hates Jazz, Tears for fears, hot hot heat, soul coughing, elctric light orchestra, Sheena easton, duane eddy, dave edmunds, rockpile, Nick Lowe, EMF, david essex, gilbert o'sullivan, everything but the girl, tracey thorn, ben watt, fiction factory, fra lippo lippi, jaz colemin, youth, the english beat, dave wakling, ranking roger, general public, midnight oil, INXS, men at work, colin hay, Orange Juice, edwyn collins, the notting hillbillies, real life, when in rome, iris, red flag, red box, living in a box, information society, elastica, fine young cannibals, roland gift, king, Queen, frankie goes to hollywood, aniaml nighlife, wide boy awake, sparks, Naked eyes, pete byrne, climie fisher, the Jam, the style council, Paul Weller, mike oldfield, the hooters, glass tiger, lime, yazz, kon kan, sigue sigue sputnik, feargal sharkey, trashcan sinatras, peter gabreil, genesis, bedrock, Kyo, leftfiled, iggy pop, the stooges, ramones, primal scream, prodigy, sleeper, underworld, colour theory, echoing green, camouflage, ultravox, john foxx, Visage, kruder and dorfmeister, dzihan and kamien, hoodoo gurus, kirsty maccoll, the pogues, shane macgowan, hot butter, combo audio, black, loverboy, dusty springfield, shirley bassey, lesley gore, eddy grant, the lords of the new church, the dead boys, the soft boyts, goerge harrison, Nick Keyward, taj mahal, the housemartins, billy idol, it's a beutiful day, World Party, Greg Kihn bands, Jnae's addction, the Jesus and mary chain, dalek i love you, Yello, kingbees, Frazier chorus, reever hovve, dave 'baby' cortez, keane, the left bank, level 42, mark king, the lemonheads, london suede, Wire, the levellers, the call, the lighthouse family, the lightning seeds, love, lulu, cydi lauper, Madness, limahl, Kajagoogoo, the plimsould, peter case, pylon, total coelo, the flirts, manic street preachers, the marcels, Marillion, martha and the muffins, re-flex, Frank Zappa, the mothers of invention, belouis soem, Gary Numan, olivia-newton john, sinead o'connor, mike oldfield, curt smith, roland orzabel, death in vegas, dirty vegas, the waitreses, the producers, edie and the hot rods, eddie and the cruisers, eddie nad the munsters, the alan parsons project, robert palmer records, arcadia, the power station, pavemint, peter and gordon, the pretenders, the pretty things, pulp, suzi quatro, chris rea, the runaways, the rutles, the scorpions, sisterso f mercy, simply red, patti smith, the specials, the selecter, mighty mighty bosstones, rancid, spandau ballet, the stray cats, ricard hell and trhe voidoids, telivision, 10cc, the turtles, rosie and the originals, p.t.p., the undertones, Vangelis, ventures, suzanne vega, Tom Waits, the red elviese, mission of burma, tragic black, die warzau, Wet Wet Wet, XTC, Kim Wilde, johnny and edgar winter, Paul young, zwan, altered images, boards of canada, adult, anggun, vitamin z, Bccara, Bauhaus, Love and rockets, david j, daniel ash, peter murphy, tones on tail, bill nelson, robert fripp, bollock brothers, the cardigans, ebn-ozn, enigma, face to face 80's, the faint, futurheads, fischerspooner, fugazi, it's immaterial, jon brion, junior boys, Jules Shear, ladytron, le tigre, lcd soundsystem, M, Mazzy star, Midge ure, momints of clarity, godspeeed to you you balck emperor, mum, slint, sleater-kinney, mogwai, oingo boingo, all danny elfmin, pantera, plummet, the postal service the rapture, fantomas, blood brothers, secession , sonic youth, stwaberry switchblade, switchblade, the rasberries, tom tom club, gorillaz, talking heads, david byrne, vanessa mae, voodoo and serano, white town, X, john Doe, 324, 45 grave, wumpscut, les hommes, mystery girls, nightmares in wax, graduate, adam west, death from above 1979, ambix, psycosonik, seabound, propaganda, delirium, pop will eat itself, ofra haza, donald buchla, failure, haujobb, vnv nation, noise unit, icon of coil, this mortal coil, peter godwin, apoptygma berzerk, aphex twin, autechre, mick smiley, assemblage 23, covenant, hmb, clear vision, mono chrome, mesh, gridlock, front 242, sick suppy, skinny puppy, mission of burma, banca de gaia, de/vision, nightmares in wax, mystery girls, basic pleasure model, dj acucrack, acumin nation, chemlab, 16 volt, massive attack, dead can dance, lisa gerrard, fluke, the future sound of london, intaferon, forma tadre, dilate, neuroticfish, Neu!, front line assembly, faith assembly, clan of xymox, funker vogt, velvet acid christ, razed in black, dismintled, in strict confidence, imformatik, information society, imperative reaction, stromkern, the birthday massacre, the birthday party, pop group, KMFDM, killing joke, battery cage, backlash, syntheasia, vast, the azoic, project pitchfork, lick the tins, wolfsheim, angels and agony, wumscut, sasha, john digweed, mindfield, voivod, strapping young lad, ebm, elctro, industrial, ambient, breakbeat, trip-hop, boytronic, frank tovey, trans-x, translator, kas product, robert gorl, underworld, freur, data, data bank, die gesunden, the armory show, welle erdball, magazine, psyche, pankow, severed heads, the motels, moev, dubstar, client, click, tlex, erste miko, daf, neon judgmint, adorable, nu shooz, !!!, 80, a prefect circle, a.r.e. wepaons, aesop rock, afel bocoum, the alrm clocks, the amboy dukes, andre williams, antischism, the artesians, artist x, atmosphere, au pairs, the avlanches, azure ray, b witched, b. fleischminn, bedrock, belle and sebastian, be narthur, beta band, betty carter, bikini kill, the blakc keys, bliss, the blood brothers, brave new world, bridgitte bardot, bridgitte fontaine, buddy ric, gene krupa, built to spill, dealership, zwan, catherine wheel, bunker hill, calexico, candyflip, carla whitney, the cassetes, cat power, cave in, the centurians, cex, the chameleons, charlotte hatherley, the church, steve kilbey, the cinema eye, circle jerks, cirrus, the cooters, cornelious, count five, the cox family, dan the utomator, the dandy warhols, dax riders, laylo, beleive, kidneythieves, death cab for cutie, the delfonics, delta 5, the departure, dialogue, dilated peoples, the dismembermint plan, dj dolores, dj rupture, down the drain, the dream academy, dresden dolls, drexciya, dusty trails, dynamite hack, earl bostic, edith piaf, eels, eieley, bolshoi, electric company, the elctric prunes, ellen allien, emmit rhodes, enon, entrance, erlend oye, the express, the fairfield four, finley quaye, the flamingos, the folk implosion, the for canration, frou foru, xiu xiu, qui qui, gavin friday, gilberto gil, the gits, the go-between's, goldfrapp, gomez, gravy train, guitar, happyl supply, wire, wire train, harry mclintock, heatmiser, hell hath no fury, herminn and kleine, the hidden cameras, hint hint, holopaw, icebreaker, the iguanas, ima robot, pursuit of happiness, the itals, james carr, jason lowenstein, jawbreaker, jerome patrick, jessy moss, ed hartcourd, jucifer, k-os, kinski, knifhandchop, komeit, kompressor, late mingeshkar, le tigre, lee hazlewood, leftfield, les goerges, limp, the livley ones, looper, loretta lynn, lou barlow, loudermilk, luna, lush, magas, maria mckee, matmos, matthew dear, maurice ravel, mercury rev, minutmin, miss kittin, modern english, mogwai, mommy and daddy, the mooney suzuki, morcheeba, mouse nad the traps, moving units, ms. dyanmite, ms. john soda, mu, mum, mundy, my bloody valentine, my morning jacket, mylo, mystic, nathan michel, the nazz, neulander, neutral milk hotel, nico, nina simone, non phixion, normon blake, nouvelle vague, nudge, numbers, one inch, otto von scrcicach, pat perra, paul westerberg, pedro the lion, pere ebu, pepe deluxe, hamilton, joe frank and reyonolds, planet funk, poe, populous, portishead, pretty girls make graves, radar bros, the ronmitcs, the rationals, ralph stanley, the rats, wide boy awake, the ready, the red light sting, res, revels, ride, rjd2, rocket from the moon, rosey, rufus wainwright, rye coalition, h.i.m., s.h.e., sage francis, sebadoh, seu jorge, serge gainsbourg, the shore, the shins, slanspheric, silverchair, silvertide, skanfrom, sleeper, sleeping at last, slint, the slits, slowdive, travis, snow, snow patrol, snowden's secret, legendary pink dots, the soft pink truth, solvent, south, spoon, spoons, stacey q, stars as eyes, stellastar, sterolab, sterphonics, stewie, the stills, stina nordenstam, styrofoam, swervediver, ted leo, teenage fanclub, something corporate, thievery corporation, the thrills, tinfed, toni basil, tool too miny dj's, tommy tutone, travis wommack, twlight circus, ulrich scnauss, unlce tupelo, the unicorns, unkle, uprock, urge, the vlevet teen, the verve, ruchard ashcroft, vince guaraldi, the vines, virgin prunes, the walkmin, the wannadies, trio, the weakerthans, ween, wheatus, whirlwind heat, wilco, the willowz, yo la tengo, yves montand, zap mama, zeigenbock kopf, zero 7, alien sex fiend, sex gang children, ausgang, justin sullivan, the autumns, david thomas and two pale boys, kleenex-liliput, current 93, diaminda galas, scratch acid, big black, controlled bleeding, napalm death, carcass, psychic tv, jonthan richmin and the modern lovers, painkiller, naked city, john zorn, msi, cold duck complex, mr. bungle, the O, Uncle outrage, dj shadow, tub ring, lords of acid, Julie ruin, lightenig bolt, puppies, anna oxygen, metric, mount sims, don muti, veronica black morpeheus, kandy-wales, fannypack, Bonnie tyler, melt-banana, Venetian snares, Merz bow, mc tracktiomy, cheer accident, nepo, blam honey, miyavi, Meco,mia, flying lutterbachers, Imogen Heap, dir en grey, malice mizer, schawrz stein, the fitness, electrocute, ayabie, orange range, do as infininity, m.i.l.k, b-dash, lolita no. 18, crispian st .peters, 23v skidoo, a certain ratio, the abcedarians, absolute body control, the armoury show, blitz, blurt, blonde redheaf, the boys next door, bunnrydrums, electrafixion, catholic discipline, chrome, click click, comsat angels, controlled bleeding, crawling chaos, crime and the city solution, crispy ambulance, dance chapter, danielle dax, death in june, deja voodoo, delta 5, deutsch amerikansche freundshchaft, drowning craze, E.S.G., eyeless in gaza, the feelies, felt, fire engines, for against, fuzzbox, the gadgets, warrior, roadstar, the glove, Grauzone, the happy family, holy cow, the homsexuals, in the nursery, in the vogue, the jazz bucher, in camera, into a circle, josef k, Kirilian camera, kitchens of distinction, Kleenex/liliput, Kukl, live skull, Lydia lunch, malaria!, mass, the mekons, swell maps, minimal compact, minny pops, the mob, moev, the monchrome set, musta paratti, my pierrot dolls, the names, Nervous Gender, the oppositon, the past seven days, the passage, the passions, platinum blonde, pink turns blue, poesie noire, pop group, the psychotic tanks, the raincoats, rank and file, redex, red temple spirits, red wedding, rema rema, red wedding, the residents, roland s. howard, the royal family, sad lovers and giants, savage republic, the screamers, severed heads, section 25, the shamin, Siekiera, snowy red, springhouse, southern death cult, the sound, stiff little fingers, spk, the Stockholm monsters, the wild swans, swans, the telivision perdsonalities, the three johns, toyah, tunnel vision, tuxdo moon, Uk decay, the marhc violet,s the virgin prunes, the wake, wasted youth, the wolfgang press, x-mal deutschland, young marble giants, zounds, zero le creche,


Everything Akira Kurosawa, Federico fellini, roman polanski, David Lynch, Tim Burton, *John Waters*, Gus van sant, Stanley Kubrick, fritz lang, Francois Truffaut, alfred hitchcock, film/noir, etc. "love in the afternoon"/ y tu mama tambien, The Godfather parts 1 and 2/ summertime, film classics, Wes anderson, Amelie, Jackie Brown, "the Princess bride", "stand by me", central station, waking ned divine, the crying game, the seventh seal, Back to the future films, pretty in pink, sixteen candles, all other molly ringwald, brat pack films, Bram Stoker's Dracula, party monster, hedwig and the angry inch, Rocky horror picture show, 24 hour party people, To live, farewell my concubine, Gong Li films, Heathers, Hiding out, Beetljuice, pee-wee's big advneture, The Graduate, WEs craven, pi, the cube, Ghostbusters 1 and 2, life is beutiful, labyrinth, the dakr crystal, Muppet films, Battle Royale, Reality bites, Kundun, The neverending story, The Goonies, films Udo Kier have been in, one flew over the cuckoos nest, Audition, bad education, my left foot, La femme nikita, Tcheky karyo films, Ralph fiennes films, Strange days, life is beutiful, Lucia y el sexo, night on earth, Willy wonka and the chocalte factory, both 1971 and 2005 versions, Evita, bed of roses, my own private idaho, Monty Python holy grail, lifeo f brian and meaning of life, Johnny English, Velvet goldmine, Belle de jour, "pride and prejudice"~colinf firth version, Hawks, Down by law, rogers and hammersteins films, "south pacific", "under the cherry moon", Shrek, Quadrophenia, the full monty, Yellow subamarine, hard days night and help, dancer in the dark, Harold and Maude, But, i'm a cheeleader, Earlier Walt Disney films, Mary poppins, bed knobs and broomsticks, RENT, Rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead, Blade 1 and 2, Underworld, classic monster films, London after midnight, the cabinet of dr. caligari, The phantom of the opera (1925), Hunback of norte dame, Mrs. doubtfire, The world accroding to garp, "scent of a woman,


Globe trekker, Nova, Classic arts showcase, popXport, top of the pops, Pop japan, moscow todey, Euromaxx, great performinces, masterpiece theatre,broadway magic, lost treasures of musical theatre, Arts.21, Kultur.21, new tang dynasty, out of ireland,visions, are you being served? bean live and animated, father ted, get up, stand up (documinteries), in focis, keeping up appearances, all creatures great and small, Spark,


aldous huxley, h.p lovecraft, tamora pierce, lemony snicket, tolkien of course, Clive Barker, Brain Jaques, Gary Paulsen, Gabriel Garcia marquez, Malcolm x, che guevera, william golden, william golding, Charles Burkowski, Dave Eggers, Celine, Kurt Vonnegut, J.k. Rowling, Amy Tan, Hermann Hesse, James Clavell, J.D. Salinger, Chuck Palahniuk, Joseph Hleer, Shel Silverstein, Pablo Neruda, George orwell, simon callow, arthur bowie chrismin, John steinbeck, Stephen king, sue monk kidd, R.L. stein, Harumi Murakami, Roald Dahl, Ian fleming, epspecially "on her majesty's secret service',and "the hildebrand rarity", Isabelle allende, Jonathan fraznzen, arthur golden, arthur miller, John Lennon, Bruce Lee, Beatrice potter, Audre lorde, Ken Kesey, Emily bronte, Charlotte Bronte, Anne Rice, Alice Walker, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Cambell, Salmin Rushdie, Jack Kerouac, allan ginsberg, Upton Sinclair, John Updike, Sylvia Plath, Henry Miller, Muiriel spark, Kurt Vonnegut, Tom Robbinson Don Dicillo, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Tom Waits, Andy Kaufmin, Leonard Cohen, Anothony Burgess, Elie Wiesel, Galileo Galilei, Victor hugo, Oscar Wilde, Rumiko takahashi, Hubert selby, jr. Leo Tolstoy, Troy, Thich Nhat hanh, Jean-craighead george, Elizabeth George Speare, Alan Arkin, Ella Enchanted, William Shakespeare, Madeleine l'engle, all Marvel, DC and Anime comics soon, Tron, Cyrano debougurac, delmore schartz, philip k. dick, lewis carroll, charles dickens, Irvine Welsh, Beverly cleary, Judy Blume, Scott O'dell, Douglas Adams, C.S. Lewis, Dune, autobiography's of Yogi, Dr. Seuss, Encyclpedia's of knowledge, The World Book a-z, William s. Burroughs, edward gein, pedro alonso lopez, ottis toole, henry le,e pee wee gaskins, delfina and maria de jesus gonzalez, andrei chikatilo, eizabeth bathory, Arthur Janov,


"my mum", Julian Lennon, John Lennon, Peter Murphy, Dave Gahan, Elliott Smith, Franka Potente, Liam Neeson, Rowan Atkinson, John Bowe, Morten Harket, Tom Gamba, Michael Gough, Pete Wylie, Timothy Dalton, Maryam D'abo, Frank Welker, Andy mccluskey, Frank Tovey, Nan Goldin, Diane Arbus, Lene Lovich, Nian Hagen, Mark hollis, David bowie, Yaphet Kotto, Pablo Nureuda, Bela Lugosi, Salmin Rushdie, Bob Balaban, adam ant, Cosmo Kramer, Juliette Binohe, Jarvis Whitehead, Richard Ushmin, Tom Stoppard, Lemony Snicket, Kent Steadman, Joe Wong, Haruki murakami, Gene Wilder, 'bauki" form "perfect strangers", Abtan Sued, Douglas Dildine, John Cleese, Tim Curry, Caroline bliss, Caroline iwamoto, Robin Davis, Joanne Post, Ken Fujita, Beijing, Tom Waits, Tim burton, David sylvian, Mick Karn, Midge Ure, Audrey Hepurn, Bettie Page, Siousie Sioux, Nick Rhodes, Simon Lebon, Galileo Galilei, Tom Mcmahon, Pete Burns