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Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi
I like lipgloss, Perfume, makeup,
tanning lotion, cd's, fast cars, comfy jeans, crazy people, smart animals, functional families, mine in particular ha ha, stimulating conversations, little girls singing their hearts out, drawings from elementary days, sincere I love you's, sleep, sweet dreams, fairy tales, the color green, symbolism, darkness, light, staying awake too long.....
Graphics & Layouts
To name a few: Maynard James Keenan, my mom, Charlie Hunnam, God and His Heavenly parliament, Pacino, Deniro, and maybe a millionaire who thinks I hung the moon being that true love is a bogus myth.
Rock, Punk rock, electronic, breakbeats, trance, house music.
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Graphics & Layouts
Green Street Hooligans, Fight Club, anything Tarantino had anything to do with!
Jackass, Wildboyz, The Girls Next Door, UFC fighting, Simple Life, Bad Girls Club, South Park
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At this age in my life, if I had the time and money, I'd write my own book...a it Tankerhell.
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All the people who, in a significantly unconventional time, decided that Rock N Roll felt and sounded good, therein creating a primitive music they called Rock. Since then their talents and desire to make music have inspired millions who chose to keep this very thing going. Oh, and of course my Daddy is and will always be my #1 HERO!!!!!!!
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