magga profile picture


cant beat time, can buy time, cant stop time, can eat time..

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Black&table - Image Hosting

My name is Margrét. I feel stiff trying to say something honest and basic about my self but I shall none the less: I..m from Iceland yet raised partly in the U.S.A. where my parents studied for a few years. Ive been here and there, not every where. been in school, out of school and back inn again.. semi confused. I work in a hospital as a nurses assistent on a ward for people with dementia (mostly elderly.) I do love my job and the people I have had the privalage to assist in there sickness to the core.
Yet the tables turned and the winds blew me twards my long lost dream which led me to a pre-edjucation (one year) in visual arts. Finally.. at last I can breath and my heart is at ease..****
Resently getting into the Icelandic academi of arts. Looking forward..
Thank you for youre time, always greatfull.. **

My Interests

phsycological and spiritual growth, people (aliens), expression in the very most open understanding of the verb, learning how to communicate with other aliens, phsycological disorders/ human behaviour - of any sort- mental ocean.... I..m not beeing ironic. Art of all kinds -music and dancing make me cry.. and sometimes have an orgasam (fake one).. spending time with the people I love - and even the ones I some times hate.. Nature**
Diving - only gone 2 times since I took the PADI open water diver in Iceland.. does this count? planing on going soon again though.. Making an alliance with the vampires -theyre actually kind of nice, aside from the blood sucking.. anything that gets my heart racing and adrenalin pumping, concidering my fear of people.. thats an easy one.. Over coming shyness** -horsebackriding is beautyfull.. putting my feet in something growsly slimy.. getting to the bottom of my conspieracy theory, nobody has 300-400 friends on my space, I see threw you people.. making fake accounts and commenting on youre own myspace pages.... I am shaking my head.. **making friends

I'd like to meet:

Man Ray, Salvardor Dali..mostly people that are dead .... this could take some time..:)

All pictures on this Myspace Copy Right Margrét R. Eddudóttir. 2007


a very wide range -


What the bleep do we know.. oo so many



Women who run with the wolves (cant remember author- clarissa....nob, gone) -currently reading: Man And His Symbols by Carl G. Jung , Gyrðir Elíasson, Halldór Laxness, .... I think I..ll fill this out later..****


My Blog

Án Titils

Þegar þjóðin í eigin barm líturSpegluð er sáliní svínslíki hrýturGjaldmiðill græðgis hér eigi flýturEkkert er eftir nema rústirog kannski spýtur.Erfið eru ljóða smiðÍ kreppu sem ekkert gefurNema draum...
Posted by magga on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 03:15:00 PST

Morgunblaðið í dag bls 39. WIERD GirLS!

Endilega kíkkið á þetta!
Posted by magga on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 05:20:00 PST

This FRIDAY AND SATURDAY the Weird girls will be selling stuff at an under 1000isk stand at the

Once again the Weird girls will be selling their stuff at the Organ market, everything for under 1000isk for today and tomorrow.Tomorrow (Saturday the 21st) the flock of Weird girls will be in costume...
Posted by magga on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 07:45:00 PST

Speculation on now

Under the realm of everyday, chasing the dots of time-reality, there is sometimes a withering creature inside of uss. This metaphore of a creature has just one need in it..s simple excistance and tha...
Posted by magga on Fri, 09 May 2008 04:57:00 PST

KoPaR-Mætið á Opnun!!

Koma svo! :)
Posted by magga on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 02:21:00 PST

Ekki gleyma að hlægja..

"Lífið er stutt.Ekki gleyma að hlægja.... og elska. "Gjörningur í miðbæ Reykjavíkur 25 nóv. 2007.xo.....
Posted by magga on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 03:42:00 PST


Ég er að opna eitthvað
Posted by magga on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:02:00 PST

Results from my Jung Typology test.. aha! :o.

Search the web Search Keirsey.comThe Portrait of the Healer Idealist (iNFp)Copyrighted © 1996-2007 Prometheus Nemesis Book CompanyRATIONALIDEALISTARTISANGUARDIAN Healer Idealists are abstract in tho...
Posted by magga on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 05:39:00 PST

a little something from a scetchbook of mine, this image seems to spiral around my thoughts....

where ever I go....
Posted by magga on Mon, 21 May 2007 06:34:00 PST

sól sól skín á mig (sunn sunn shine on me!)

So finally I have nothing to say and have dicided to say it anyway.... Not that I´m actually use to having anything to say.... but I shouldnt be saying that on the internet I think.... oohh I see it n...
Posted by magga on Fri, 18 May 2007 09:32:00 PST