The Walking Puppet Theatre is proud to introduce it’s latest show: "Petrushka and the Unhappy Sideshow", which was first performed at prestigious Glastonbury Festival of Modern Performing Arts 2007 . The show features famous Russian carnival puppet Petrushka as the compere, and the puppet characters of the well known “Happy Sideshowâ€: the extraordinary Tigerlil as the whip cracking gypsy girl, the King of Animal Traps Shep Huntly, Captain Frodo – the Incredible Rubberman and the amazing world street performing champion, the Space Cowboy .
The Walking Puppet Theater started off in autumn 2005, with various short puppet plays, for children and adults. All the different stories had two things in common: the famous Russian carnival puppet Petrushka, as the main character and hilariousness.
Located in Iceland, right between Europe and America, travelling allover! The Walking Puppet Theater is a proud member of UNIMA -Iceland.
"I am completely honored and excited
to have a puppet in my likeness." - Tigerlil
"That is the sweetes little puppet!" - Captain Frodo
Keywords: "Pertrushka", "Russian carnival puppetry", "Russian traditional music and folklore", "Modern performing arts", "hand puppets".