Jeanne profile picture



About Me

Is from Eastern Kentucky
Is an Appalachian
Is of Scottish descent
Is addicted to music
Thinks way too empirically for her own good
Doesn't do hints
Is intolerant of intolerance
Despises looksism
Doesn't care for sweets
Will have another cup of coffee
Will have another glass of wine
Will have another shot of bourbon
Prefers substance over style
Prefers quality over quantity
Is excellent with a shotgun
Has never seen Napolean Dynamite
Loves extreme weather
Misses snow
Does the NYT Crossword every Sunday
Sometimes even finishes it
Is in danger of being "that crazy cat lady"
Has a weakness for weird, intelligent people
Plays bass guitar poorly
Is not religious
Doesn't care if you are
Doesn't care about your sexual orientation either
Believes gay people should be able to marry
Believes straight people should be able to have civil unions
Does not like having others' beliefs forced on her
Likes movies with ghosts in them
Likes colored Christmas lights
Gets her kicks on Route 66
Hates George Bush
Hates corporate greed altogether
Does not believe that rock is only for the young
Wants to know what's it all about, Alfie?
"You're complicated and complex, yet all your pieces fit together. People miss you if you're gone - but they're not sure why."

My Interests

Music, hiking, unbiased scientific methods, low humidity, fall, mountains, travel, trains, comfy clothes, photography, ghost stories, old castles, puzzles, questioning authority, downtime, learning new things, and music.

I'd like to meet:

Loretta Lynn


Basics: AC/DC (Bon Scott era only), Brian Jonestown Massacre, The Clean, The Chills, The Cure, Devo, Echo, The Fall, Fugazi, The Grifters, Heatmiser, Chris Knox, Led Zeppelin, Meat Puppets, Bob Mould, Mudhoney, My Dad is Dead, The Pixies, Pinback, Pink Floyd, Iggy Pop, Radiohead, Swell, Swervedriver, Thin White Rope, Young U2, Wire, Yo La Tengo, ZZ Top


Just about anything by Mel Brooks, Terry Gilliam, Wes Anderson, or the Coen Brothers; Idiocracy, The Shining, Donnie Darko, The King and I (old version), Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Garden State, American Beauty, Haiku Tunnel, Office Space, Moonstruck, The Haunting (old b/w version), So I Married an Axe Murderer, anything with a ghost in it, anything with Kentucky in it, anything with Scotland in it.


Lost, The Daily Show, Colbert Report, Supernatural, Dexter, Bill Maher, Wondershowzen


Bukowski, Himes, Irving, Thompson(s), Chomsky, Ginsberg, random stuff recommended to me...oh, and my homeboy Silas House


Mr. Ziggles

My Blog

Richard Hell and Cormac McCarthy spark a trip down memory lane of sex, drugs, and freaks

As of last week, I'm no longer in school.  So, this leaves my brain open to veer off into god knows what sort of tangent when hit with any kind of stimulus.  Yesterday, a friend sent me the ...
Posted by Jeanne on Mon, 12 May 2008 01:26:00 PST


I love voting.It's an equalizer.  A common denominator.  My polling place is always full of every kind of person imaginable - in my voting booth row alone, there's:a construction worker...
Posted by Jeanne on Wed, 07 May 2008 05:28:00 PST

The Horses....

don your hatplace your betspour a julepgrab some burgoosing the songyell 'em onthe greatest two minutes in sportsEight Belles by a milethe horses run tomorrowriders up...
Posted by Jeanne on Sat, 03 May 2008 05:42:00 PST

Tuesday Haiku - Ketch22

The means to an endsometimes equals the death ofthe end by the means
Posted by Jeanne on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 09:53:00 PST

It may be the PMS talking...

...but this has been one fucking annoying day. Morning.  Bureaucracy&sucks.  And nowhere is that suckage greatest than in the federal government.  Since I mostly work on government sur...
Posted by Jeanne on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 07:54:00 PST

Bukowski and Hemingway walk into a bar....

...and that’s pretty much it.
Posted by Jeanne on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 08:30:00 PST

sxsw pictures

r up.  in the pics section.  under sxsw 2008.  cuz I’m clever at naming stuff like that.All taken with the crappy sony digital - the ’big gun’ that I brought jammed on...
Posted by Jeanne on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 11:33:00 PST


If I find out that ANY of you are doing this nasty drug, I will PERSONALLY hunt you down and give you the ASS-kicking of your life.
Posted by Jeanne on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 10:39:00 PST


...makes everything clear.great researchergood dudementorfrienddead at 58i know you're havin a bourbon at the Derby in the sky, donwill see you later...
Posted by Jeanne on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 07:38:00 PST

Wise Blood

I just finished watching the movie version of Wise Blood.  WB is probably my all-time favorite Flannery O'Connor tome-let.I love me some Flannery.And I never knew until tonight that there'd been ...
Posted by Jeanne on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 08:27:00 PST