Social justice, activism, reading feminist, anti-racist, queer theory (but not the kind that's too academic because then it sucks). Working with LGBTQ youth and GSAs. Learning the bus system (still). Taking walks all over San Francisco and doing the Stairway walks. Hiking Mt. Davidson. Going to open houses/estate sales so I can get a free peek at SF architecture. Going to clubs once in a while. Trying healthy new recipes and cooking/baking. Playing football and driving girls crazy.
Progressive, anti-racist, and feminist minded folks. No internalized isms going on, please. You should be funny and sarcastic.
Uh, hello, Michael Jackson!Tegan and Sara, Sweet Honey in the Rock, classic rock, 80s classic rock, oldies, 80s music in general, some punk, underground hip hop, Scissor Sisters, Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilara.
Big Eden, But I'm a Cheerleader, The Little Mermaid, Shawshank Redemption, Braveheart, The Craft, Fried Green Tomatos, Bound, Goonies (Heeeeeeey you guys!!), Casper (don't laugh!)....
Law and Order: SVU...Mariska Hargitay is the shit. That's the one I need a daily dose of. Reruns of SNL when they're on...but they just don't pack the punch like they used to. The Family Guy is also awesome. Giggidy. And new favorties: Project Runway, America's Next Top Model, and The Girl's Next Door. Oh, and Nip/Tuck.
Angry Black White Boy: Or, the Miscegenation of Macon Detornay, Too Beautiful for Words, Fried Green Tomatos at the Whistle Stop Cafe, SLUT, White Weddings, anything by Amy Tan and Isabel Allende (House of the Spirits), Bless Me, Ultima, The Last Time I Wore a Dress, Stone Butch Blues, and The Color Purple. bell hooks and Patricia Hill Collins are the shit for black feminist theory...True Lust (Tristan Taormino)...anything regarding intersectionality, as long as i can fuckin understand what they're saying. I'd like to say that all my favorites books come from my undergrad college experience and not grad school. Why? Because it's booooring.
I'm in awe of all my friends who are somehow STILL organizing. Maybe it's in a different manner than college, but damn, look at us!