Gabrielle profile picture


......... if you turn off the sun i'm still gonna shine.........

About Me

I am a free, eccentric spirit
I love the earth, the outdoors, anything nature
I'll play barefoot in the park
or in the middle of nowhere
I'll jump in a lake, a river, an ocean
no matter how cold the water is.

I believe in peace and equality
True love and forgiveness
I consider myself a very spiritual person
My beliefs are deeply rooted in who I am
Organized religion can go screw itself.

Take me to an outdoor festival with live music,
kiss me in the rain,
serenade me even if you can't sing,
appreciate me,
make me smile, make me laugh,
and you will steal my heart.

I am done with the dramatic politics of friendships
Either you are my friend or you aren't
I don't let my emotions sabotage relationships
Or anyone else's for that matter.

I am loyal but also have no problem cutting people out of my life who have hurt me.
Count yourself lucky if I forgive you.

I appreciate people who I can spend quality time with
People who do more than just drink or party
(I like to do those things, but not all the time)
I love spending my time at coffee shops
And discussing things that average people don't have awareness of.

I am a big daydreamer
I have high hopes for my life
Although I have had insecurities about striving to be the best me
Each new day is one step closer
to perfection.

My ecstasy is art
Music, drawings, paintings, and poetry
I consider myself an artist
I believe this is what I am meant to do
I play guitar, piano, and sing
And I am a songwriter
Check out my music: Kasma
MUSIC is my aphrodisiac.

.i love.
the dark.the mysterious.the strange.the unique.the truth.the misunderstood.

One cannot simultaneously prepare for war and create peace.

Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure.

The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love.


My Interests

Music - writing, listening, singing. Guitar. Piano.
Writing - Poetry. Thoughts.
Art - Drawing, painting, photography.
Friends - Partying, celebrating, being bored *together*
Family - They always have the best food!
Outdoors - Adventure, freedom, simplicity.
Spirituality - No religion. No worries!

I'd like to meet:

Friends. Family. Strangers. Acquiantances. .The open hearted.




That 70's Show, Family Guy, Charmed, Grey's Anatomy


Illusions by Richard Bach. Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke (translated by M. D. Herter Norton)


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