darts. Guinness. friends. tattoos. slasher movies with extra gore. sleeping. singing. being broken. Cases. showers. building. sex. dancing--like an ass of course. ravioli. road trips. Ron Mueck. NY. music. pez. craft fair. green tea. wine tasting. Cali. living near the beach. biking. new experiences, people, places...things that make you think differently. naked time. swimming. pictures. memories. playing. driving. my newest piercing. kayaking.
Shut-ins with no personality and people that don't understand sarcasm.
Face to Face, Pennywise, Wumpscut, A Perfect Circle, Slightly Stoopid, G Love, Mustard Plug, Bouncing Souls, Talking Heads, TOOL, The Calsh, The Doors, MF Doom, David Bowie, Wolfshiem, Guttermouth, Reggie and the full Effect, Death Cab, Bright Eyes, Rob Zombie, Op Ivy, James Brown, NOFX, The Damned, Misfits, Keepsake, Depech Mode, N.E.R.D., The Cure, Aphex Twin.....
Super Troopers, Donnie Darko, Boondock Saints, Kill Bill, Princess Bride, Dark Crystal, Euro Trip, Royal Tennenbaums, Night Of The Living Dead, House of 1000 Corpses, Horror movies...the more blood and gore the better, Labyrinth, and anything touched by Burton or Tarentino, and any movie that will make me laugh my ass off.
Simpsons, Adult Swim (Sealab 2021), KaBlam!, Carnivale, Monster Garage, Junk Yard Wars, American Chopper, Family Guy, Mythbusters, The Young Ones
Cunt, American Gods, House Of Leaves, Jitterbug Perfume, Harry Potter, Princess Bride, Neverwhere, Exquisite Corpse, Dante's Inferno, Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs
You're Bettie Page!
What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
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Grover on EcstasyYou're funny, you're loveable, you're entertaining,
you like to call yourself "Super
Grover!"--You're obviously on ecstasy.
But that's why we love you. Be careful, ok?
Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?
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