Dancing, laughing, music, live music/concerts, pretending to sing, food, wine, football games, anything FSU, hanging out with my friends, going to the beach or just being in the sun (with sunscreen),
Name: Sarah Elizabeth
Birthdate: 12.2.82
Birthplace: Longwood, FL
Current Location: Orlando, FL
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown-Red
Height: 5 5
Weight: 8500 lbs
Piercings: There are 4
Tatoos: None I'm too scared
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: YES I love my boyfriend!!!!
Overused Phraze: WTF, "no, YOU are"
Food: Anything my man and I make together, Melting Pot, Salt Island, Italian food in general
Candy: Dark Chocolate - Dove, Ghirardelli, etc...
Number: 7 I guess even though that's typical
Color: I like lots of colors but especially blues, greens, reds, and black
Animal: Lexi!!!
Drink: Milk, Dr. Pepper
Alcohol Drink: Bud Light, Dirty Martini, anything my boyfriend makes me
Bagel: I used to be addicted to chocolate chip with honey butter
Letter: L?
Body Part on Opposite sex: Arms, Hands
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Micky D's (especially breakfast and double cheeseburgers)
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: Sweet Tea!
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: I have to go with Coffee
Kiss or Hug: Both!
Dog or Cat: DOGS!!!
Rap or Punk: Rap
Summer or Winter: Summer!
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Definitely FUNNY movies
Love or Money: Why can't I have both?? Okay okay, love.
Bedtime: Varies greatly
Most Missed Memory: Living in the Kappa House
Best phyiscal feature: I hear it's my eyes or my hair
First Thought Waking Up: Hi Baby!!
Goal for this year: Get a JOB
Best Friends: SOOO many!! Dee, my sister, Kelly, Claire, Loretta, Andrew, Tricia, Shara, Nicole, Tiffany, Jenny Mer, Jen Hossy, Nicole N, Jen T, Meredith (times 2), Julie, Marjolein, Tracy.... the list goes on and on, I'm VERY BLESSED!!
Weakness: Dessert...
Fears: Losing the people I love, Dying in a car accident
&..39;Heritage:' Irish, English, German, Jamaican (haha)... and I'm 1/16th Jewish!
Longest relationship: The one I'm in now
Ever Drank: Of course
Ever Smoked: Guilty
Pot: Not for me
Ever been Drunk: A few times
Ever been beaten up: No thankfully
Ever beaten someone up: Nope, I have no upper body strength
Ever Shoplifted: Nope I could never
Ever Skinny Dipped: Yes
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Um... duh
Been Dumped Lately: No!
Favorite Eye Color: Doesn't matter
Favorite Hair Color: Doesn't matter
Short or Long: Short
Height: Tall enough so I can wear heels and he will still be taller
Style: I guess preppy
Looks or Personality: Personality - I get annoyed easily
Hot or Cute I think Cute can be Hot
Drugs and Alcohol: Drugs are a deal-breaker, Alcohol is a plus
Muscular or Really Skinny: I like meat on my man!!
Number of Regrets in the Past: One big thing I can think of
What country do you want to Visit: Lots of them, too many to list right now!
How do you want to Die: Peacefully in my sleep at an old age!!
Been to the Mall Lately: Yep yesterday as a matter of fact
Do you like Thunderstorms: When I'm sleeping
Get along with your Parents: Mostly!
Health Freak: Not at all
Do you think your Attractive: Somewhat
Believe in Yourself: Yep
Want to go to College: Been there, done that!!
Do you Smoke: ....
Do you Drink: yep
Shower Daily: Mostly... lol
Been in Love: Yep!!
Do you Sing: Only to myself!
Want to get Married: Yes
Have your future kids names planned out: Sorta but not really
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: n/a
Hate anyone: Hate is a strong word
Will Ferrell, Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert, Adam Sandler, Justin Timberlake, Dane Cook
Dave Matthews Band, OAR, Florez, Josh Gracin, Tim McGraw, Matisyahu, Live, lots of rock and country
Tommy Boy, Anchorman, Billy Madison, Legally Blonde, Garden State, Moulin Rouge,Finding Nemo, The Notebook, Two Weeks Notice
Grey's Anatomy, Medium, any Law & Order, CSI, Forensic Files, The Office, and I love HGTV
When I was younger I loved the Boxcar Children, Nancy Drew, and anything by Christopher Pike
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Anthony G is my hero.
Anthony G is my hero.