The future of Internet radio is in immediate danger. The CopyrightRoyalty Board in Washington, DC has more than tripled the royalty rates for webcasters andleft unchanged they will kill Internet radio. These exorbitant rates go into effect on July 15(retroactive to Jan 1, 2006!). Without Congressional action the majority of webcasters will gobankrupt and silent on this date. A bill named the Internet Radio Equality Act has beenintroduced in Congress that would save the Internet radio industry. We need your help for thisbill to pass. Please take a moment to call your members of Congress to keep Net radio frombeing silenced. All the information you need to make this call is available at
The SaveNetRadiocoalition is made up of artists, labels, listeners, and webcasters. Please contact us if youare interested in sponsoring an event, making a donation, or would like to become a leader inthe fight to save Internet radio. The recent ruling by the Copyright Royalty Board to increasewebcasters' royalty rates between 300 and 1200 percent over the next 5 years jeopardizes theindustry and threatens to homogenize Internet radio.
Artists, listeners, and Webcasters, have joined our coalition to helpsave Internet radio. The coalition believes strongly in compensating artists, but Internetradio as we know it will not survive under the new royalties. Internet radio needs your help.Please take a moment to call your members of Congress to ask them to co-sponsor the InternetRadio Equality Act. Together, we can force Congress to create a structural solution for thisproblem and create an environment where Internet radio, and the millions of artists itfeatures, can continue to grow for generations to come ...learn more or E-mail us at [email protected]
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