Shawn profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Positive, self driven, articulate and loves to laugh and have fun. Strives for perfection, some will say, but the truth of the matter, I like to give my best at all times. I enjoy the sounds of the waves crackling on the beach rocks just before a sunset. I'm a romantic at heart, but enjoys all the trimmings in developing a strong friendship evolvong into a passionate-sensual relationship. I'm very relationship[ oriented and family oriented. Looking for as close as I may get to a perfect relationship which features, communication, trust, and longevity. I read between the lines to keep myself grounded. I enjoy making someone feel good about themselves when they feel they have failed. When needed I make myself available to those who really need a hand or ear to chew on. My days are busy as my mind constantly works on how I can make my situation better, finacially and emotionally. I am a true entrepreneur, by that I mean, I'm through working for someone else. You don't get freedom or finacially independent I've learned working for someone else. Besides, I enjoy calling my own shots and designing my own future. And above all....I have no problem cutting dead weight out of my life....but by the same token, I cherish the positive energy bestowed upon me from others.

My Interests

The Arts, Jazz Concerts-Preferably Outdoor Concerts, Video & Photography, Multimedia the Web, Dining Out, Seeing the world!

I'd like to meet:

A spontaneous, articulate, erotic, sensual woman who is ready to laugh & enjoy life! Someone who appreciates her time alone and respects her man's time alone. A woman who is able to enjoy relaxing with her man while watching a sporting event. Her outlook on life is positive, a go getter. Confident in her looks, sexuality, open to let her man know her inner feelings upfront. A good listner and friend. Able to challenge me in a respectful way when things aren't going the way she likes. Trusting, unpredictable in her day to day conversation(s) or routine. And above all, a woman who appreciates her man's pampering, taking the extra step to ensure his woman is comfortable, is a sign of true love and strength and not signs of weakness or being insecure-whipped. A woman who can dress sexy without alot of make-up:) A woman so gorgeous I can photograph her for my business and she can keep both feet on the ground....(smiles) a good head on her shoulders....A WOMAN WHO WILL COMPLETE ME!!!


Contemporary Jazz, Hip-Hop, Classical, Regae, pretty much like all types of music, but contemporary jazz is my favorite.


Star Wars, The Firm, An Officer & a Gentleman, The Matrix,


Law & Order, NYPD, BET, The Cosby's


Books of Self-Improvement, Graphics, Marketing, Photography, Video editing, How-to Books.


My Parents, Ali, Michael Jordan, Hilary Clinton, people who had a drug abuse and got themselves straighten out...people who achieve their dreams despite the many obstacles hindering their completion.

My Blog


This SUMMER will B Da-Bomb!! Its only the 5th of May and the weather is beautiful despite the scorcher mid-day heat waves, and the signs of a FUN-WILD-Memorable SUMMER is ahead! For me, I plan on d...
Posted by Shawn on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST