Feeding On Inspirational Education, Family Unit Building, Entreprenueral Business Building, Marketing, Internet Marketing, Educational Seminars, Self Improvement Education, Wealth Building, Real Estate, Investing, Public Relations, Special Events, Music (live concerts), I LOVE TO SING! Meeting influential successful people.
TEDTalks : Tony Robbins
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Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Robert Plant/Led Zepplin, Allman Brothers, Tony Bennett, Celine Dion, Bread, Donovan, The Moody Blues, Creedence Clearwater, Jimmy Hendrix, Lynryd Skynyrd, Van Morrison, Santana, Jethro Tull, Marvin Gaye, ALL MOTOWN, Michael Buble, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Eric Clapton, I LOVE MUSIC!!
My Best Friends Wedding, French Kiss, You've Got Mail, Forrest Gump, 16 Blocks, Man On Fire, Pay It Forward, The Secret
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Scriptures, The Attractor Factor, Life's Greatest Lessons, The Angel Inside, Ultra-Metabolism, The Christmas Box, Five Lessons A Millionare Taught Me, The 4:8 Principle (more to come) BookWise - www.welovebookwise.com
Jesus Christ, Thomas J. Lewis (my dad), Marian Helton (my mom), Robert Smith (my husband), my children (for all that they teach me), my sister and her family (for their love and support), Oprah Winfrey, Bono, Al Gore, Our Troops, Our Missionaries Around the World, Our Founding Fathers, Mitt Romney, Tony Robbins, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama (for their courage to run for President)