Chelsea profile picture


I'm not a grl, not yet a women

About Me

My name is Chelsea Magana, I love food, I love shopping, I love meeting new and exciting people, I hope one day I can become an actress and go to Oxford University. I love my family and friends! They so rock!

My Interests

Singing, dancing, swimming, hanging out with friends, day dreaming about Orlando Bloom, camping, hiking, surfing, skydiving, bungy jumping!

I'd like to meet:

Orlando Bloom, Jonny Depp, Usher, Alicia Keys, Opera, and every single star!


Jessica Simpson, Ashely Simpson, Brittney Spears, Ciara, Usher, Alica Keys, Maroon 5, Green Day, Spice Girls, Destiny Child, Beyonce, The Killers, Goo Goo Dolls, Kelley Clarkson, Gwen Steffani and many more!


Pirates of the Carribean, Troy, Kingdom of Heaven, LOTR, Sweet Home Alabama, The Notebook, White Chicks, National Treasure, Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers, and so many more!


TRL, Punk'd, 7th Heaven, Gilmore Girls, The Apprentice, The Amazing Race, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Lost, Alias, Drake and Josh and many more!


Too many to say


Princess Diana, my family, Opera, Orlando Bloom, and Jonny Depp.