About Me
Dear Reader,We are very sad to announce that, following a period of considerable anxiety concerning his MySpace entry and lack of friends, Dunnage sadly died last night. There will be no formal funeral and therefore flowers are not encouraged. However, donations should be directed to Dunnage's favourite UK charity,The Transglobe Expedition Trust,
C/o Walnut Tree Farm,
Suffolk IP17 1JB,
United Kingdom.The Transglobe Expedition Trust (registered UK Charity No. 1029586) exists to give support to projects in the field of exploration which are both mad and marvellous in a scientific, humantiarian or educational way. Supporting achievement is the main objective.Dunnage was a unique man whose self determined failure to succeed at anything during his fifty-something years of life makes him one of Britain's greatest achievers in modern times.Thank you for your support.