I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

What's the the DEAL my peoples... have to admit my much needed vaction was something I was long over dued for and very MUCH enjoyed. To ALL the family who went THANK-YOU for making this the most memorable family outing to date. I know with our hecktic lives it's hard for us to enjoy time together besides the holidays. I feel we all reconnected in a way I haven't felt since our teens. I LOVE ALL of you and will cherish the memories GOOD & BAD FOREVER...with out you guys my life would be normal and boring. AND DIRTY "D" sends his regards for all those filthy moments;)Now that I'm back from vaction it's work MODE! First off I want to give shout outs to my boy DJ SERIOUZ and CARLOS MENDOZA. Both have their respected nights. Thursday & Saturday nights in the loft is Carlos Mendoza located in the historic FIRESTONE in downtown. MR Seriouz is blazing the best in house at OCEAN 7 on kirkman road just past the Valencia West campus in the walmart shopping center on friday nights. There you go if your a house head I just deciphered your weekend for the rest of the summer. There are plenty more DJ's that spin on those nights so go support MUSICA DE CASA!SUNRISE ENTERTAINMENT: This is a joint venture with one of my closest friends Caleb Martinez. Think of us as your one stop shop for everything muti-media. Besides our party pics which can be viewed on either of our profiles we also do video work and party promotions. Some of our methods are still under the patten process, but believe me you will be pleased with the results. Web design and flyer design are other client favorites. But what we pride our self is in our attention to detail and personal touch that you will only find in a SUNRISE product. We will also be hosting and promoting a night like no other in orlando. think of it as the best of both WORLDs. Hip-hop/reggaton vs. TECHNO night. Location and nights are still under wraps but look for our first party in the month of MAY!ATTENTION ALL M C'SSSSSSSSSSSSSS: We are currently looking for young hungry and up and coming lyrists. Please send me a message or friend request. We are catering and designing a night to show case your talents in orlando. Think of it as a 8 mile battle setting with the melting pot of dirty south to N.Y. gritty MC's battling bi-monthly for bragging rights and a end of the summer SHOW down with the top monthly winners. The location is prime for the raw battles we are looking for. SO IF YOUR A RAPPER THAT WANTS MORE PROMOTION FOR YOUR SKILLS COME OUT AND REPRESENT!Stay up on my page for more info on what's up and coming here with SUNRISE and other hot promoters here in orlando. Firestone is a HEAT PRODUCTIONS event and SERIOUZ SOUNDZ helps bring you Friday nights at OCEAN 7.As Always Thank You For your TImeD-Rock-A-FeLla-CeaSo-De-JaNeRiO

My Interests

Believe it or not one of my New Years resolution was to learn an instruament. And since my step dad is so passionate about his children learning to play the guitar I thought it would be a no brainer. I'm actually learning Beatles music first, those are the only music books he has bought them, HES A HUGE FAN. Other then that I have been trying to help my friend Caleb get his photography business up and going. I have really tried to cut bad habbits from 2007 here in 08 so free time is something I have alot of lol. Everything is good for you but in moderation that's the KEY. Other then that work takes a big chunk of time out of my LIFE but all the hard work I've put in I'm confident 08 is when I see the return from that.....I'm also returning to my writing roots and begining to write short stories again, while cleaning out my house I found a folder I had thought been long lost and it had really rejuvenated my passion for the PEN...well computer nowadays it's soooo much easier lol;)

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3 Hundred Dollars, 2 Men, 1 Mission from Caleb Martinez on Vimeo .


My taste in music is the same as food. I'll try it once but if I don't like please get it out of my face...well ears in this case:) I LOVe Techno but not genders. House by far the greatest of all techno then trance breaks and so on...sole my opinion. Hip Hop will forever always be apart of me so many good times in my life can be replayed with Hip Hop as the sound track. Freestyle is my mood music I can listen to this for hours while driving. I could go on for PAGES about my likes and LOVES when it comes to music. So I'll just leave it at this "MUSIC IS THE HARMONIC CONNECTION BETWEEN ALL HUMAN BEINGS" august rush.


My thoughts... In hear I'm going to really have to sit down with a few cups of coffe and just rant out how I feel about certain things...BIG YEAR, we finally get a new president and more now then ever it's important we all vote to make sure these next 4 years are a prosperous one for our great nation. But let me not get into anything just yet lol.


After the longest break for a t.v. show LOST is coming back. And thanks to the writers strike WE ARE GETTING THE #1 Thursday spot. Rightfully so because it is the greatest most thouhgt provocing show on the air. "PLUS WE HAVE THE WHOLE SEASON ALREADY WRITTEN SO NO SHORTAGE BECAUSE OF THE STRIKE. See everything happens for a reason. Other then that I don't watch to much t.v. the last movie I saw was Mr. Brooks which was REALLY GOOD, no compliants on my side! Come on a movie with Dane Cook as a co star how bad could it be. Also I think you should have chosen Dani Tequila lol that show was crazy did you see the CAT FIGHT! Now that's good t.v.


Books Books...uhmmm I haven't really gotten into any good reads as of lately. The stand was my last read and with almost 1200 pages it really wore me out. If anyone has any good books they can recommend I would love to hear them. If graphic Novels count as books I just read the I am Legend which is a bit diffrent from the movie but was still good. Also I reread all the SIN CITY novels just to get ready for the sequal that will be out later this year.


Heros I would have to go with my father and grandfather. My grandfather for being the brillant man he is, he who had the courage to move from all he knows just so his family could have a better life. If we were all rasied in puerto rico, we'd all have 10 kids and living in the mountains, no pun on my family there but not the life for me. So thank you PAPA!And my father...a man who has reached the lower depths of humanity with the grip of satan held firmly around his wrist. Managed to over come what some thought was impossible, and lift himself from Hades to be a loving father and loving husband again. For that you are my hero DAD!

My Blog


Who could have ever thought a single event can impact sooo many lives. What use to be a single day event in downtown miami has grwon into an international event that has become a yearly ritual for tec...
Posted by LEINAD LEGNA ZEUGIRDOR on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 12:14:00 PST


I never really knew how bad our country finacally was doing until I recently visited another country. To hear stories of when my friends first went, just a short three years ago, on how much our dolla...
Posted by LEINAD LEGNA ZEUGIRDOR on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 07:53:00 PST