What if?
If you were on an island,What three books would you take? - The Bible, Forest Gump 2 and The Game
If you could live one year of your life over again,which year would it be? - 2003 The year I krossed
If you had one day left to live,who would you spend it with? - My Family & Friends
If you could receive one talent,what would it be? - To rap
What is one thing about yourself you like? - My Personality
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All about YOU!
How old are you? - 25
Whats your name? - Kelsey
Whats your favorite food? - Lemon pepper Wings and Fries with a whole lot of ranch
Favorite NON alchoholic drink? - Green and White tea
Favorite song/band? - So Many....
Worst food? - BEETS AND SQUASH
Single or taken? - Single
Best website on the face of the earth? - FACEBOOK
Dream car? - Range ROVER
Your crush? - LOLA Angel DAMN
Favorite color? - RED AND BLK
Favorite number? - 10
Do you think this survey is long? - Its aight I..'m bored
Where are you right now? - At home
What are you listening to? - Pussy, money, weed by LIL WAYNE
What did you think of this survey? - IT was a survey
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30 Brand New Questions
What is your favorite thing to cook? - Gourmet NACHOS!!!!
If you could take ballet, play basketball, or be on a swim team which would you pick? - PLay Ball
If you HAD to pick only one movie to watch for the rest of your life which movie would you pick? - Passion of Christ
Have you ever been to a yard or garage sale? Do you like them? - Yea Naw alot of used shit
Out to a party or a night-in? - Out to a party then a night in
Should Valentine's Day really be celebrated? - Depends on the situation
Do you think Katie Holmes is feeling trapped in her marriage to Tom Cruise? - ummm I dont really give a fuck
Why are you doing this survey? - Thats a Good Question
What's in your fridge? - Milk & Ham ummmm GREEn and White Teas.....
What do you spend your money on? - Church, Clothes, Drinks, GAS, FOOD, and The rest I put it in the BANK
Do you believe making a relationship work requires hard work? - Yes But it shouldnt be that hard,,,,soft work
Favorite color to wear? - black
You're growing your hair out, do you get it trimmed at all? - yea gotta stay fresh
You don't talk to someone in person but they request you as a friend on myspace, do you add them? - YEa I dont really care
Do you like sweet tea? - HELL YEA....what u got some?
Do you want a big family? - YEs!!!! I wanna be a FAMILY GUY
Your life-long dream? - TO live right and Go to Heaven
You have $100 to spend at Best Buy, what do you get? - Some dvd and some cd..'s
You have to go on one reality show, which one do you pick? - College Hill!!!
Truck or a mini-van? - Truck
If an employee is rude to you at a store, what do you do? - Beat his Ass when he get off.
Do you eat only 3 times a day? - Sometimes
Does anyone like you? - YEA something like that
If you went to New York tomorrow what is the first thing you'd do once you got there? - Go shopping of course
AIM or phone? - Phone
Does texting bother you? - Naw Actually that all I do
One thing you want to do before you die? - See my kids grow up
Is cheating okay? - On a test of course lol
Should friends always take up for you? - Nope
Diet or exercise? - Exercise
Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com
Ultimate Survey
What is your name? - KELSEY
What is your date of birh? - 11/08/1982
What is your favorite thing to do? - Live Life and Laugh
What is your favorite show? - Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire
What is your favorite movie? - Sling Blade, Kingdom, Friday
What is your goal this year? - To get Closer to Jesus Christ
where are you living? - In The ATL AREA
Where would you want to live in the future - On A Beach Somewhere
Where do you feel most comfortable? - On A Cruise or an Island
Who are your best friends? - My Blood Brothers & My LB.."S
Who do you trust the most? - My Mother
do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? who? - NOPE NOT AS OF NOW
Are you in love? - With GOD
what would you do for your gf/bf? - ANything IF I had one
is it a serious relationship? - NOPE
what is so special about your relationship? - Nuthing at all
Do you remember your first date with your gf/bf? - I aint got one shut up
first kiss with him/her? - N/a
do you have a dog? - Naw but I will soon
favorite nfl team? - Cowboys,Colts, Falcons
can your cook? - YEs Gouremet Chef...
speak another language? - Yes I speak slanglish
sing along to music? - YEa
can you dance? - Watch this
Your best physical feature? - THE WHOLE ME
what is your sexiest signature move? - DEEP AND SLOW
Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com
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