K.A.S.I.N.O. #10 profile picture

K.A.S.I.N.O. #10

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

What if?
If you were on an island,What three books would you take? - The Bible, Forest Gump 2 and The Game
If you could live one year of your life over again,which year would it be? - 2003 The year I krossed
If you had one day left to live,who would you spend it with? - My Family & Friends
If you could receive one talent,what would it be? - To rap
What is one thing about yourself you like? - My Personality
All about YOU!
How old are you? - 25
Whats your name? - Kelsey
Whats your favorite food? - Lemon pepper Wings and Fries with a whole lot of ranch
Favorite NON alchoholic drink? - Green and White tea
Favorite song/band? - So Many....
Worst food? - BEETS AND SQUASH
Single or taken? - Single
Best website on the face of the earth? - FACEBOOK
Dream car? - Range ROVER
Your crush? - LOLA Angel DAMN
Favorite color? - RED AND BLK
Favorite number? - 10
Do you think this survey is long? - Its aight I..'m bored
Where are you right now? - At home
What are you listening to? - Pussy, money, weed by LIL WAYNE
What did you think of this survey? - IT was a survey
Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com
30 Brand New Questions
What is your favorite thing to cook? - Gourmet NACHOS!!!!
If you could take ballet, play basketball, or be on a swim team which would you pick? - PLay Ball
If you HAD to pick only one movie to watch for the rest of your life which movie would you pick? - Passion of Christ
Have you ever been to a yard or garage sale? Do you like them? - Yea Naw alot of used shit
Out to a party or a night-in? - Out to a party then a night in
Should Valentine's Day really be celebrated? - Depends on the situation
Do you think Katie Holmes is feeling trapped in her marriage to Tom Cruise? - ummm I dont really give a fuck
Why are you doing this survey? - Thats a Good Question
What's in your fridge? - Milk & Ham ummmm GREEn and White Teas.....
What do you spend your money on? - Church, Clothes, Drinks, GAS, FOOD, and The rest I put it in the BANK
Do you believe making a relationship work requires hard work? - Yes But it shouldnt be that hard,,,,soft work
Favorite color to wear? - black
You're growing your hair out, do you get it trimmed at all? - yea gotta stay fresh
You don't talk to someone in person but they request you as a friend on myspace, do you add them? - YEa I dont really care
Do you like sweet tea? - HELL YEA....what u got some?
Do you want a big family? - YEs!!!! I wanna be a FAMILY GUY
Your life-long dream? - TO live right and Go to Heaven
You have $100 to spend at Best Buy, what do you get? - Some dvd and some cd..'s
You have to go on one reality show, which one do you pick? - College Hill!!!
Truck or a mini-van? - Truck
If an employee is rude to you at a store, what do you do? - Beat his Ass when he get off.
Do you eat only 3 times a day? - Sometimes
Does anyone like you? - YEA something like that
If you went to New York tomorrow what is the first thing you'd do once you got there? - Go shopping of course
AIM or phone? - Phone
Does texting bother you? - Naw Actually that all I do
One thing you want to do before you die? - See my kids grow up
Is cheating okay? - On a test of course lol
Should friends always take up for you? - Nope
Diet or exercise? - Exercise
Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com
Ultimate Survey
What is your name? - KELSEY
What is your date of birh? - 11/08/1982
What is your favorite thing to do? - Live Life and Laugh
What is your favorite show? - Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire
What is your favorite movie? - Sling Blade, Kingdom, Friday
What is your goal this year? - To get Closer to Jesus Christ
where are you living? - In The ATL AREA
Where would you want to live in the future - On A Beach Somewhere
Where do you feel most comfortable? - On A Cruise or an Island
Who are your best friends? - My Blood Brothers & My LB.."S
Who do you trust the most? - My Mother
do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? who? - NOPE NOT AS OF NOW
Are you in love? - With GOD
what would you do for your gf/bf? - ANything IF I had one
is it a serious relationship? - NOPE
what is so special about your relationship? - Nuthing at all
Do you remember your first date with your gf/bf? - I aint got one shut up
first kiss with him/her? - N/a
do you have a dog? - Naw but I will soon
favorite nfl team? - Cowboys,Colts, Falcons
can your cook? - YEs Gouremet Chef...
speak another language? - Yes I speak slanglish
sing along to music? - YEa
can you dance? - Watch this
Your best physical feature? - THE WHOLE ME
what is your sexiest signature move? - DEEP AND SLOW
Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com
I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

What if?

If you were on an island,What three books would you take? - The Bible, Forest Gump 2 and The Game
If you could live one year of your life over again,which year would it be? - 2003 The year I krossed
If you had one day left to live,who would you spend it with? - My Family & Friends
If you could receive one talent,what would it be? - To rap
What is one thing about yourself you like? - My Personality

Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com

All about YOU!

How old are you? - 25
Whats your name? - Kelsey
Whats your favorite food? - Lemon pepper Wings and Fries with a whole lot of ranch
Favorite NON alchoholic drink? - Green and White tea
Favorite song/band? - So Many....
Worst food? - BEETS AND SQUASH
Single or taken? - Single
Best website on the face of the earth? - FACEBOOK
Dream car? - Range ROVER
Your crush? - LOLA Angel DAMN
Favorite color? - RED AND BLK
Favorite number? - 10
Do you think this survey is long? - Its aight I..'m bored
Where are you right now? - At home
What are you listening to? - Pussy, money, weed by LIL WAYNE
What did you think of this survey? - IT was a survey
Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com

30 Brand New Questions

What is your favorite thing to cook? - Gourmet NACHOS!!!!
If you could take ballet, play basketball, or be on a swim team which would you pick? - PLay Ball
If you HAD to pick only one movie to watch for the rest of your life which movie would you pick? - Passion of Christ
Have you ever been to a yard or garage sale? Do you like them? - Yea Naw alot of used shit
Out to a party or a night-in? - Out to a party then a night in
Should Valentine's Day really be celebrated? - Depends on the situation
Do you think Katie Holmes is feeling trapped in her marriage to Tom Cruise? - ummm I dont really give a fuck
Why are you doing this survey? - Thats a Good Question
What's in your fridge? - Milk & Ham ummmm GREEn and White Teas.....
What do you spend your money on? - Church, Clothes, Drinks, GAS, FOOD, and The rest I put it in the BANK
Do you believe making a relationship work requires hard work? - Yes But it shouldnt be that hard,,,,soft work
Favorite color to wear? - black
You're growing your hair out, do you get it trimmed at all? - yea gotta stay fresh
You don't talk to someone in person but they request you as a friend on myspace, do you add them? - YEa I dont really care
Do you like sweet tea? - HELL YEA....what u got some?
Do you want a big family? - YEs!!!! I wanna be a FAMILY GUY
Your life-long dream? - TO live right and Go to Heaven
You have $100 to spend at Best Buy, what do you get? - Some dvd and some cd..'s
You have to go on one reality show, which one do you pick? - College Hill!!!
Truck or a mini-van? - Truck
If an employee is rude to you at a store, what do you do? - Beat his Ass when he get off.
Do you eat only 3 times a day? - Sometimes
Does anyone like you? - YEA something like that
If you went to New York tomorrow what is the first thing you'd do once you got there? - Go shopping of course
AIM or phone? - Phone
Does texting bother you? - Naw Actually that all I do
One thing you want to do before you die? - See my kids grow up
Is cheating okay? - On a test of course lol
Should friends always take up for you? - Nope
Diet or exercise? - Exercise

Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com

Ultimate Survey

What is your name? - KELSEY
What is your date of birh? - 11/08/1982
What is your favorite thing to do? - Live Life and Laugh
What is your favorite show? - Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire
What is your favorite movie? - Sling Blade, Kingdom, Friday
What is your goal this year? - To get Closer to Jesus Christ
where are you living? - In The ATL AREA
Where would you want to live in the future - On A Beach Somewhere
Where do you feel most comfortable? - On A Cruise or an Island
Who are your best friends? - My Blood Brothers & My LB.."S
Who do you trust the most? - My Mother
do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? who? - NOPE NOT AS OF NOW
Are you in love? - With GOD
what would you do for your gf/bf? - ANything IF I had one
is it a serious relationship? - NOPE
what is so special about your relationship? - Nuthing at all
Do you remember your first date with your gf/bf? - I aint got one shut up
first kiss with him/her? - N/a
do you have a dog? - Naw but I will soon
favorite nfl team? - Cowboys,Colts, Falcons
can your cook? - YEs Gouremet Chef...
speak another language? - Yes I speak slanglish
sing along to music? - YEa
can you dance? - Watch this
Your best physical feature? - THE WHOLE ME
what is your sexiest signature move? - DEEP AND SLOW

Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics

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Hey Whats up. My Name Is Kelsey.I'm on here for one reason and thats to meet new people. I'm new to the ATL area and I work too much to run around meeting people. First of all my PRIORITIES are #1 GOD #2 my Family #3 MY Life #4 MY Friends #5 My FRat #6 Everything else. I Love to laugh and talk about things. Holla at me If you have any other questions.


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My Blog


What am I?Well they call me seductionEverything and nothingThe passion in your lovingThe heat between your hipsThe sweat on your lipsAnd all that freaky shit.What am I?That sexy smile you giveThe pres...
Posted by K.A.S.I.N.O. #10 on Mon, 22 May 2006 07:56:00 PST