HOW BOUT THEM DAWGS!? NOW about me: Let me start by saying I consider myself to be a pretty even keeled person, but I don't take any (insert explicative here) from anybody. I CHOOSE to get as much joy out of everything as possible; love/loyalty/laughter are the only things that make any relationship/friendship worth while. I am currently studying Sociology and it's a whole lot more interesting than I expected! I'm not a very emotional, sensitive, or girlie type of chick. I call everyone "sugar" and all dogs "puppies". I can be a TOTAL brat at times, but nobody's perfect, outside of Jesus. I'm tiny and I'm sexy with it LOL. I love mafia/gangster movies because I am a gangster at heart hehe. I like dressing up and going out with the girls, but I'd rather spend the weekend watching football SO it's safe to say I'm a tomboy who isn't afraid of heels :-)
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