Hmmmm.... I have many "interests". Music is a big one though. I'm a computer geek. Graphics, websites, and marketing stuff is fun too. Boating, Sailing, and Beach Volley Ball are awesome! .....hmmmm .... Food.... Hee hee! Photography.... swimming......I also love languages. English and Hebrew are the fluent ones (if you can call Southern American - English). I have a strong interest in Hebrew. I'm far from fluent, but can pick out the subject of a conversation and words here & there. I have a goal to become somewhat fluent in Hebrew within the next few years. I've also recently developed an interest in Arabic and picked up quite a few words and phrases.
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I'm a music freak! It's easier to list what I don't like.... which is hard metal and gangsta' rap. Other than that, I pretty much like it all but go in and out of moods. My favorites are Modern Country, 80's and 90's, Traditional Jewish, Reggae, Hebrew, and don't laugh.... but recently some Arabic. I love taking time trips though.... 80's and 90's were the best for just about every genre. I miss my alone road trips where I arrive horse from singing/screaming (yes, same thing for me) the whole way!
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I'm not a television person AT ALL. Other than occasionally having a music video station running in the background, it's seldom on. I do however set the DVR to record every new episode of "Shalom In The Home". What happened to it though? I've not seen a show in quite a while!
I've been doing a pretty intense study of Scriptures. It's been an interesting, shocking, emotional, and eye opening journey. I have MANY books that I want to get through. I've developed a love for Audio books that I can get through in the car when I normally wouldn't have time to read anything.
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