If listed in Webster's dictionary Ari Blitz would be defined as "a masterful combination of surprise and satisfaction." He is only one man yet represents the force of a riot scene. Pulling from every imaginable influence, (Think Billy Joel meets B-Boy in an alley knife fight with Bob Dylan and Jim Morrison) Ari has found peace with his multiple musical personality disorder and delivers his gift of melody and songwriting craftsmanship in an uncontrived and commanding way. He is thoughtful with his words and poignant with his message. There is a darkness to be found in his arrangements and melodies yet the colors brushed on his canvas also paint a picture of beauty and redemption. There is joy to be discovered in the sadness; hope to be found in the faithless. All encompassing. There is a new world to be discovered in every chord change; A chill to be felt in his haunting and resonate vocals. Ari produces a well polished and technically sound composition but he is not afraid to throw in a little grit to deliver the unteachable element of raw emotion. Ari Blitz is a breath of fresh air to the otherwise mundane and predictable rock n roll rebellion.
Jason McKay (creator of Staticchain.com)Buy merch from Ari Blitz at www.zazzle.com/ariblitz
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