I really enjoy working out, concerts, Broadway and long dog walks. Attending pro games (any sport) and the movies have been a favorite of mine. Love to swim and go to the Jersey Shore.
Fun loving, energetic and enthusiastic female for friendship and possibilties! A smile and sense of humor a MUST.
Strictly Rock and Roll, mostly Southern Rock but very flexable in regards to music. Depending on my mood, will listen to just about everything but Rap!
One of my favorite things to do is movie going. Recently saw Sarah Marshall, Baby Mama and No country for old men! Try to see a movie a week!
Not a big T.V. viewer, basically the news on occassion and any sporting event that may be on. Hate reality shows, however a sitcom here and there is o.k.
Also not an avid reader, however every once in a while peruse the good book, keeps me grounded...
Can honestly say I have yet to meet one other than Mom! Heroes reside in Hollywood...