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Andi Pookins

I am here for Friends

About Me

MySpace Backgrounds - Free Image Hosting I'm just a girl. Nothing special. Not gorgeous, not a dog. Neither brilliant nor impaired. I have children and am relatively happy (except for those brief moments when God kicks me in the shin -- bruises suck). I generally just hate people -- even the ones who are mostly harmless. *42*My boyfriend made me come in here and update some things. If I seem grouchy, it's HIS fault. Just kidding. He is a nice person. I'm the one who is to blame for sounding grouchy, since that is the way I typically feel. Ha. Poopface. Get off me, man.

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My Interests

What makes you think I have interests? -I already said that people suck. Reading books sometimes makes the voices go away, and I guess I'm interested in that. I finally graduated from college and that was fairly interesting. I'm really interested in being able to afford a house -- I could definitely elicit an interesting response to owning my own home. Other peoples' children are *for sure* not interesting (except for Carli's because hers are really nice looking and they generally like me)... but mine *are* interesting. I'm interested in my new boyfriend because he is cute and smart and he actually listens to me (when Ohio State isn't playing).

I'd like to meet:

God, to give him/her a piece of my mind. Just what any entity was thinking when it created scary things like zombies and classroom presentations is beyond me.Months later... this is still a very true statement. But I'd also like to discuss things like fulltime jobs, cell phones that cut out at stupid places, people who can't read my lips, and many other catchy items which currently escape my wandering mind.


Look, I like Tiffany and that's a fact. Get off me, man. I also like this chick named Holly Brook, but I can't find her CD at the library, so I guess I'll never be able to download it since I like my music FREE.


Well...RECENT FAVES: If you haven't seen V For Vendetta, run to your local library right this minute and get it for free. Or if you don't do that sort of thing, rush over to Blockbuster or Holywood Video and rent it. It is simply fantastic and you're not in your right mind if you plan to avoid it, poopface.Little Ms. Sunshine is my pick for Movie of the Year. It is the funniest film I have seen in ages, and the entire audience (six people if you include me and my boyfriend) laughed aloud the whole time; everyone walked out with smiles and a happy heart. See it at your local independent film theater (ours is the Neon -- isn't that just fun?), and if your town doesn't have one, you are stupid for living in such an ignorant area of the U.S. It just does not have to be this way. Fix it. Gosh, what a poopface you are, man.THE WIZARD OF OZ is my all time fave, even though it's exactly NOT like the book it is based upon. Silver slippers, anyone???Also, THE BREAKFAST CLUB in spite of (or maybe because of) how classic '80s it is.MOULIN ROUGE because musicals are the greatest invention of mankind, and because the creator is a frigging genious, and because Ewen McG. has a great voice in that film. Oh, and because my sister and I know all the words to the "Elephant Love Medley" and we sing it so often that our kids know all the words as well.These are lame, but still true: THE BEACH and THE VILLAGE because I am a sucker for stories with utopic/dystopic themes.RESIDENT EVIL and 28 DAYS LATER because they are the best zombie movies out there (terrified of zombies, but addicted to the movies... hmmm), and because the music in them is terrific.ALL the Harry Potters, because they make life on Planet Earth tolerable.


We don't have cable so we get entire series on DVD from the library ('m a big fan of things that are FREE in case you missed that). My son and I never caught Smallville the first time around, so we're working our way through those. Chris wasn't even born when V came out, so my boyfriend and I are watching this fabulously atrocious show with him. I'm also working through Alias and 24, both of which are fun, and it is embarrassing to admit that I just finished Felicity. I'm waiting for season 2 of the following to become available: Lost, Grey's Anatomy, and Boston Legal -- the last two are my boyfriend's fault. My secret fun TV show: I like to watch that new animated Batman 'toon, which is really a blast! Next up will be more shows from my childhood -- I miss the '80s!!!


This one will be too lengthy, and I'm running short on time, so I'll have to come back and play some other day. In the mean time, catch up on the Harry Potter series in anticipation of the newest addition and talk amongst yourselves...Oh, if you're interested, I'm currently working my way through anything by Kurt Vonnegut or Salman Rushdie. I am about to start a book on CD (via my boyfriend's groovy iPod) called A Sudden Change of Heart, which I have no idea what it's about since it's for a library-sponsored book club. I'm also in the middle of Lilith, the author of which apparently inspired both Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.Get your own books, man. Get off me.


My son is my hero, because he makes me do my homework. He is really cool. My boyfriend has recently become a hero since he likes to read books and has actual opinions about them, and since he takes me to see independent films and then talks about them. My baby girl isn't old enough to be a hero yet, but I'm sure I'll learn her right good. I also admire Woodrow Wilson, who never wanted to be president in the first place (see Douglas Adams' for a clear understanding of leaders who wish they weren't and why they make the best ones). And, well, I like those "saving people's lives" types because they make dialing 911 worthwhile.It's all about making me happy. This is my world -- you merely live in it.