This is my husband Nick in a Guess Jeans ad. I love him so much. I am so proud of him!
My dad raised me on oldschool hip-hop so I REALLY love that! I'm also into Pop, R&B & Rock.
I LOVE Romantic comedies, Comedies, Slap Stick humor, Drama, Action, Horror. I love them all!
HEROES!, Studio 60, Smallville, UFC, American Idol, MTV, Style, VH-1, Family Guy
My mom, Mariah. I love you so much and will never forget what your face looks like. I wish you were here to see how I turned out but I know you're looking down on me from heaven and smiling. I love you!
My Dad, Mike. You raised me and made me what I am today. You taught me so many things. You even braided my hair and put bows in it when I didn't have a mom to do it. I always looked pretty thanks to you. You were the one I ran to when a boy broke my heart (then threatened to kick his ass). You were the one man in my life I knew I could trust because in daddy's arms I was safe. I'm all grown up now but I'm still your little girl. I love you so much dad.
My husband, Nick. You came into my life so early lol. If 1/2 the people we know knew how we met they'd freak LOL. You mean everything to me and I have loved every moment I've spent with you. You're the only man I want to spend the rest of my life with. You're one of my heroes because I know how hard you work to make sure we're taken care of. Yes baby I know how hard modeling really is lol. I love waking up and falling asleep in your arms. You are my everything. I love you (more).