Leroy - Extra profile picture

Leroy - Extra

Welcome to my soul!

About Me

I've been creating music all my life. I signed my first record deal in 1996 with Geffen Records, my second record deal in 1998 with Hollywood Records. Now I'm making records on my indie label TML Records. My music has been used in the movies (Driven, Laurel Canyon and 10 Things I Hate About You) as well as TV! (Scrubs, Arrested Development and Alias) My new album "Walla Walla" is out now and you can purchase it and my other albums at www.leroyrocks.com

Thanks for checking out my profile.

CLICK TO PURCHASE "LEROY" first CD featuring "Good Time"



Leroy - "Good Time"

Leroy - "Peace Of Mind"

Leroy - "I Insist"

My Interests


Member Since: 3/4/2007
Band Website: leroyrocks.com
Band Members: Me and who ever is in for the ride!
Influences: Ray, Sly, Prince, Lowell, Willie, Leon, Joe
Sounds Like: Leroy
Record Label: TML
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Welcome to my soul.

Thanks for your interest in my music and adding me to your list of friends! I created this profile to showcase the music from my first (LEROY) and second (SQUISH) CD's. Due to the masive amount of&nbs...
Posted by Leroy - Extra on Sat, 12 May 2007 01:13:00 PST