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RAJIV wants you to check out a photo on MySpace ge&friendID=306199073&albumID=0&imageID=4571580 ge&friendID=306199073&albumID=0&imageID=4571580
By now you should be knowing my intersest. I really love to make friends. Other then that i like to chat with good freinds and maybe many more but as i am bit distrub by some now at this moment while working on this and so i might write later on.
I have learnt one thing in life thats its always good to have as many friends as one can and so i would like to meet all of them who are there on this site. Infact i would thank My Space that it gave me an opportunity to make good freind across the world. I know its very hard and difficult to remember each and every freind of mine but i am sure, with the help of Myspace i would sure to that also. No Man in this world is bad, Only Time Makes Him Bad and so I dont have to say much. I trust you and so would like to be ur personal freinds, very close to u and share with u each and every moment of my life with u without any personal interest or gain.
Sure Hindi Movies (BOLLYWOOD). I would sure suggest u to see few of them. The best among all is Amitabh Bachchan. He is the SuperStar , No man in this world can be like him in the next future
I would advice u to see AXN, ANIMAL PLANET, DISCOVERY, National Geography or even HBO
Hey listen i am really very bad in reading and thats why i could not complete my studies also. Though i am good on computers and do have a good knowledge of the world. But making me read from books is really next to impossible. And i am sure about it. So hope now u understand what i really mean to say.
I am sure u wont be knowing him as they are from BOLLYWOOD. AMIR KHAN, AMITABH BACHCHAN, and maybe few more...