....i am wh0 y0u are t0 me. Well, n0t all the time. I can't be as plastic 0r as "no- balls" as the others.I'm h0nest yet secretive, 0pini0nated yet quiet, friendly yet selective, fair yet c0nsiderate, ambiti0us yet c0ntented and nice yet bitchy if needed :) One thing's for sure th0ugh. I fight when I kn0w I'm right and that makes me n0 scaredy-cat. S0 pe0ple, beware. I can be a devil when f0rced t0. I guess that just leads t0 an0ther c0nclusi0n: I am n0t perfect, s0 I'm h0ping y0u d0n't expect me t0 be.Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Respect your parents. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Weep loud. Change for the better. Be yourself. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Accept failures. Live as this is all there is.PRAISE GOD...what they see and say ab0ut me d0esn't define wh0 i am in reality, what is perceived is a mere surface, what is said is mere opini0n; f0r what is inevitable is hidden within the depths of my s0ul..ONLY I CAN TELL MY OWN AUTHENTICATION.....to be KIND is more important than to be RIGHT,,sometimes what a person needs is not a BRILLIANT mind that SPEAKS but a PATIENT heaRt that Listens!!..don't hate me if i d0n't like y0u. i can change but i can't pretend just t0 please anyb0dy..Myspace Graphics
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