Bonny........ profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a dreamer....always have been. I want such good things for the people i love, but i had to learn a long time ago that we decide our own destiny.. It will only unfold nicely when you make it.. I try and look only to the future but its hard with such beautiful memories that haunt me of my past. I hurt for others so much. I am not selfish by any means. I survive this life through listening to music. It tells my story. I love my family. Normal childhood i guess. My dad worked hard and my mom loved him unconditionally and still does. I have an older sister that i adore and wanna kill sometimes. I have a son that is my heart and soul. I am a single mommy, but im ok with that. I just want good friends to love. Good friends that are real and true blue. I have grown tired of your everyday back stabbing assholes and i have been around so many that i can smell them out should they come around. lol. So STAY AWAY!! Music has saved my life so many times. I have been a body piercer for quite some time. It has been a decade or so of fullfillment and heartbreak i love dark lovely things....I do believe in faeries and magic and the powers of the universe and other ones for that matter. ......

My Interests

Music, music, and did i say music? Hoping my sister gets everything that her gorgeous heart desires.. My beautiful friends....the real ones. My son Johnny-Elvis. Seeing great movies. Finding new bands to fall in love with. Great books. Having lots of laughs. Making others laugh. ....Most important is that i remain true to myself.. .......................

I'd like to meet:

All my friends that ive lost touch with over the years and all my friends that have given their beautiful souls to suicide or died from a drug overdose............ but like i said before, i am a dreamer i guess and a lot of this can never happen until my days on this earth have ended and my true life begins...


Nick CAVE and the bad seeds.. Deadboy and the elephant men,Elusive,The 69 eyes,London after midnight,Pankow, Meteors,Demented are go,DaX RIGGS,HIM,The CRAMPS,cult of the psychic fetus,Sisters of MERCY,jeff buckley,sonic youth,velvet underground,the pixies,the pogues,Tom Waits,Ween,The soda pop kids...Mr.graves, Nick Drake, The mansfields...Hellbillys, Clutch,Southern culture on the skids, Elvis, Big Sandy and his flyrite boys, old trad. country, social distortion, KIll city Thrillers, Birthday party, Soft boys, (my sisters fav, TREX) reminds me of her especially when I am so far from her and can't squeeze her.IGGY POP and David Bowie The misfits,LydiaLunch, My life with the Thrill Kill Cult, The Cult,30 seconds to mars, AFI,The Fall,,Ramones,Robyn hitchcock,sexpistols,love and rockets,billy idol,Syd Barrett,My bloody Valentine,Beat Happening,IAMX, Waterboys,Deadboy and the elephant men, transvestite jesus....Xymox,Book of love, A Split Second, cccp, In the Nursery, cocteau twins, johnnythunders,built tospill, thecure, leather strip, echoandthebunnymen, Eraser, New order, siouxsieandthebanshees, vnvnation, Jet,joy division,nitzer ebb, front242,thestones,skinnypuppy,switchbladesymphony, theclash, THE LEGENDARY PINK DOTS...... MIMIR,THE MissionUK,The TEAR GARDEN, Bauhaus, Peter murphy and soooo many more im sure. ...........................................


Labyrinth,The Legend, Velvet Goldmine,The Goonies,sixteen candles,Pretty in pink,Modern girls,Anything by Tim Burton,Anything by John Waters,Anything with a horror theme and im happy........Im a Harry potter fan... My son's favorite tho is Pirates...... From the carribean or never never land...... Our idea of a good nite is to watch them all... then of course have our own sword fight in living room for hours upon hours........ cause "We do believe in faeries, WE DO, WE DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Love old reruns of monty python and Absolutely Fabulous.HEX....... I love all of those new paranormal haunting shows, man they just suck me right in.......I would like to say i watch music tv...... But NO GOOD MUSIC on any of them anymore.......sad sad sad..........


i love to read ........too many to name..........


The first true glamour queen, my sister....

My Blog


Well, i guess that now i can tell anyone that might want to know......... I just started a new job in the Sarasota area...... I am now working at Baby Blue's Tattoo..........   It's an absol...
Posted by Bonny........ on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 09:20:00 PST


Oh what a wonderful day!!!!!!  And it just started.......... Let's see how it ends... Hope everyone is wonderful!!!!    Miss Bonny
Posted by Bonny........ on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 05:40:00 PST


Posted by Bonny........ on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 03:37:00 PST

Here We Go...........

Happy NewYear to everyone!!!!  I usually don't subscribe to the resolution mumbo jumbo, but this year i'm giving it a go........  I ask for the power to be more organized, the power to make ...
Posted by Bonny........ on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 07:38:00 PST


Hope everyone has a nice xmas.........  I am lucky to be surrounded by my family this xmas.......I  thank god for my family and my beautiful friends..... Hurry home sissy........i miss you.
Posted by Bonny........ on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 01:14:00 PST


Hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving!!!!  It was a very peaceful day for me........  I was a little lonely though.  I ended up alone with only my son for turkey day...... I did co...
Posted by Bonny........ on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 11:21:00 PST


Running in to old friends......... that is always nice.   Missing my friends that are not close....... Why is it that i dream of a beautiful place that ive lived so many times and i am not t...
Posted by Bonny........ on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 06:11:00 PST

When beauty lies exhausted in the street...........

Just wanted to tell my friendss out there what is goin on in my life this month.  DAX RIGGS........thats what!!!!!!!  on sept. 19th i will get to see him for my first time and im so beautfiu...
Posted by Bonny........ on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 11:25:00 PST

my profile song

My favorite trex song is mystic lady............  DAX RIGGS is one of my FAVORITE artists............. Now Him singing this song..........Well, i think its brilliant........  What can't this...
Posted by Bonny........ on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 09:58:00 PST

let's blow nessie outta that water

Happy birthday to whom ever has one today....... I had the weirdest dream that C. Bukowski was tellin me this great poem to tell the world....He meant in the poem to basically to keep drinkin cau...
Posted by Bonny........ on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 07:16:00 PST