Yami Yume™ profile picture

Yami Yume™

I am here for Friends and Networking

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I’m an ex gamer and a current geek, a 4chan browser and I’m addicted to the internet which works out pretty well cause I’m a web designer. I love music and anime more then you love your mom, and I know more about the two then you so if you want to get my attention either one of those subjects would be the quickest way to do so lol.

I love chunky monkey ice cream and strawberry milkshakes and avocados…yea that last one was random lol but I really do love them. I don’t collect anything sept drama it seem haha. I love shirts hats and shoes…not to fond of pants tho… don’t really know why. I love pugs and great danes I hope to have one of each in the future.

I love my family, car and job….pretty much more then I love you haha. I hate the state of Ohio :p if I could I would remove the whole state from existence. My favorite book is “A Wrinkle In Time” lol I don’t know why I added that in here but meh just so you know lol. I tend to be random at time…so if I say something like that just ignore me or better yet just go with it who know were we will end up lol.

I cant be cynical and jaded but I’m still a fun person lol or at least I like to thank so lol. Lately I have come to realize that you shouldn’t expect anything from ppl because they will always let you down lol. That’s why anime&music people lol. If you think I’m wrong then prove it to me :] nothing wrong with being wrong haha. Lastly I finally got one of those things…what are they called…oh yea goals in life lol. One day I’m going to have a private web design company and make site for bands So heres an idea...why dont you add me ? lol dont be shy im awesome AS IM SURE YOU HAVE SEEN FROM MY PICTURES . SEND ME A MESSAGE IF YOU LIKE, THEY MAKE ME HAPPY. before you leave make sure you check out my friends . WHEN YOUR DONE OR IF YOUR JUST A lamer HEAD HOME .

IM me whenever lol i love meeting new people and making new friends.

MSN [email protected]
AIM EmoLunch4one

Burn your dreams into the skyline


My Blog

She’s got it out for me, But I wear the biggest smile.

stop saying you care and pretending that everything you do and say is to protect me from the pain...pain YOU cause. YOU lie...while keeping up your smile because you know that i cant see past it you k...
Posted by Yami Yume™ on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 09:15:00 PST

me me me

..>Basics: Name: Alex Date of Birth: 10-20-1985 Birthplace: NY Current Location: FL Eye Color: brown Hair Color: black Height: 5'7" Heritage: idk everything sept defult bits Piercings: 3 Tat...
Posted by Yami Yume™ on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 10:18:00 PST

sorry, friendship, love and forgiveness

ok....so yea my last blog was a little...um....how do i say it.....mean. i said alot of things i didnt mean and i think i did more bad then good. so im really really sorry that i hurt you i hope you c...
Posted by Yami Yume™ on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 09:57:00 PST

growth, stressing, thinking and sucking a fuck?

so i think i grow up a little more today. i did alot of thinking about stuff and i have desided that some of the things i used to care about before, i dont care about anymore. im tired of stressing ov...
Posted by Yami Yume™ on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 04:42:00 PST

friends part 2?

ok well i guess maybe im just a stupid jealous person, but i have been really good about it lately and i was all about giving him a chance even when  J5 was trying to turn me to the dark side, bu...
Posted by Yami Yume™ on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 04:44:00 PST

ticket, narnia,linzzz and our movie stalkers o.o

so lets see what has been going on....let me think...oh i finally went and got my ticket to the "the academy is" "panic! at the disco" "acceptance" and "hellogoodbye" concert. i was all worried that i...
Posted by Yami Yume™ on Wed, 14 Dec 2005 07:11:00 PST


well i guess it has happend, i have been replased. she likes him better and i dout anything will change. slowly but surely he is taking her away from me. hes better then me so i guess i have no chance...
Posted by Yami Yume™ on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 04:38:00 PST

not in the mood for life anymore

I grow old and tired of this every tomorrow is the same its like i have fallen into some other world were nothing happends and everthing thing that does happend is a of the knight kind. i lo...
Posted by Yami Yume™ on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 09:25:00 PST

changes, help, death cab and melancholy

well i dont know if its just me or what, but i feel like things are going to change . even if i dont want them to, i see it coming T.T i dont think im ready yet SOMEONE HELP ME!!!! ...
Posted by Yami Yume™ on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 05:22:00 PST

hurricanes, concerts, cops and random guys o.O?

ok so the hurricane is over and things are starting to get back to normal. school started again as well as work which is good cause i need money lol. halloween sucked ass we didnt have the party cause...
Posted by Yami Yume™ on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 12:01:00 PST