→Miss Stellar← profile picture

→Miss Stellar←

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Call the cops! It's Cheyenne.
[everyone does anyways]
i play halo3, callofduty4, guitarhero2.
gamertag for xbox live; MissxStellar
I do what I want, when I want.
I'm single, it kinda sucks.
I'm ruining my own life, I don't need the help.
I have ambitions, but I'm losing drive.
I don't wait.
I hate my family and anything that had to do with social workers, family help, and legal systems.
I get called jailbait more then i need, i know my age, and you know the law.
Im too horny for public settings, lol
I like to be rough, but if you dont know when to be gentle, back off. im still a girl, yknow.
I hate eating, it grosses me out. if i think about eating, while im eating, ill stop.
I'm alright with how my life going right now.
as much as I want peace, i cant help but fight.
im smarter then you think
ask me whatever you want.

My Blog


I have the mentallity of a three year old. Little accomplishments make me more proud then anything, and what would be little mistakes are like all hell breaking loose. I need someone to walk me throug...
Posted by →Miss Stellar← on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 03:30:00 PST

March 12, 2007

well, my weekend was absolutly amazing. i couldnt have asked for much more. really.   Friday;  I was going to go to the movies, but you know it got too late and shit. So, me and Brenda were...
Posted by →Miss Stellar← on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 09:17:00 PST

boyfriend application, fill it out yo.

Basic Info ;; 1. What's your full name: 2. Age: 3. Birthday: 4. Location: 5. Hair Color: 6. Eye Color: 7. Height: 8. AIM/AOL Screen Name: 9. Do you smoke: 10. Do you do drugs: 11. Do you drink: 12. Na...
Posted by →Miss Stellar← on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 04:30:00 PST