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-Seven Whispers Fell Silent-
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Witness the End
Anaal Nathrakh . Arsis . In Flames . Children of Bodom . Deicide . Canibal Corpse . Cephalic Carnage . Dark Tranquillity . Dark Funeral . Decapitated . Dissection . Gehenna . Gorgoroth . Gorelord . Grimfist . Kataklysm . Marduk . Mendeed . Morbid Angel . Napalm Death . Opeth . Pig Destroyer . Satyricon . Shattered Realm . Gojira . The Berzerker . Amon Amarth . Edguy . The Marz Volta . Electric Wizard . Strapping young lad
I Love Her
far beyond the futility of human comprehension