Spray profile picture


Life is a war you must win outright

About Me

You Are 72% Brutally Honest
Most of the time, you tell it like it is. Even if it's hard for people to hear.
Sometimes you hold back though, because you never want your honesty to be hurtful. How Brutally Honest Are You?I like to say I'm from Texas, but I'm really from Louisiana. I only lived there for the first 7 years of life, so I guess you could say that I don't feel like I'm really from there. So, I've adopted Texas as home. I've been known to be loud and aggressive, but really I'm a pretty quiet person. I like to read, and I like to write. I love music. Just look at my friends list...you will find more bands in there than anything else. I play guitar, and have played for alot of years. I've been in a few bands, and have made absolutely no money off of it. I'm playing the same beat up guitar that I bought myself in 1983, but I love that thing. I also play a beat up Marshall half stack that needs recovering and probably could use a tune up, but I love it too. It's paid for. I am more than a little decent at playing but I don't foresee my playing taking me to rockstardom. I don't have that kind of patience and I don't like the monkey's in the business. I'd rather sit on the outside of the herd and enjoy the show from a seat that is all my own.

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My Interests

I enjoy alot of things. Most of what I enjoy I'd rather keep to myself for fear of incurring the digital wrath of Tom. All I can say is that I love music, books and movies. Everything else is just peppered in there for fluff.

I'd like to meet:

There are a few people I'd like to meet. Some are famous, and some are not. Really though, I could care less whether I ever meet them or not. It's not like my life will become less fulfilling the longer I go without meeting them.


I had this long list of bands I like, but thats too much like name dropping. I just love music. I prefer music that causes me to make the Pantera face (for those who understand...THREEEEEEE!!!!!!). I am not into a trend. I'm into good music. Look through my friends list and you'll see what I mean.


I like good movies. I've recently figured out that I love alot of studio movies, but I also enjoy underground stuff too. I'm into the artform, and the story. Sometimes the movies that come out forego story for art form and vice versa. I'm looking for the perfect mix. I like movies that make me think, and movies that make me laugh. Being scared is good too. A good horror movie really does me in.


There is not much on TV that is worth a second look. There are a few shows I like, but that could change by the time you read this so I won't list them. Just know that if the show is factual, and not biased like FoxNews, then I like it. But, I have guilty pleasures like Spongebob Squarepants and Scrubs.


I like books. I like good books. I've dabbled in the classics, but I'm not reading for a literature class. I'm reading for pure enjoyment. I read alot of non-fiction because there is alot I don't know, and I'm tired of the ignorance. Read on.


Heroes for me change day-to-day. It depends on something I read or see in life. Most of the time though I'm blown away by the courage of those that serve others. They don't have to die to be heroes.

My Blog

Your Potential is Found

Have you ever just stopped caring?  It's not so much that you stop caring for the world around you, just the stuff that has become burdensome.  There are moments in everyones life when they ...
Posted by Spray on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 05:58:00 PST

Becoming Godsize

Sometimes the ham-fisted strongman with his grip around your throat is the only thing that wakes you up to the danger of the moment.  You can walk through this every day thorazine shuffle with a ...
Posted by Spray on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 05:46:00 PST


Opening weekend at one of the most anticipated movies of the year was anticlimactic.  The audience was lackluster and consisted mostly of soccer moms and overweight gangstas cradling barrels of s...
Posted by Spray on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 01:23:00 PST

Spewing Words....A Diatribe

We are not kings of our apologies, nor are we the victims of loss that channel hate through the veins of wisdom.  We are only what we allow ourselves to be.  You can't take out the trash in ...
Posted by Spray on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:54:00 PST

A Line of Deathless Kings

My Dying Bride has always been a band to deliver.  From the moment I saw them live opening for Boltthrower, to now, they manage to make me want to do something drastic like shave off a life, or w...
Posted by Spray on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 04:31:00 PST

All Piss and Vinegar Gone

I am a disposable version of myself; all piss and vinegar gone. When I look in the mirror I see me, but I know that its just the shell. Where did all the stuffing go? I'll never know.  For now I ...
Posted by Spray on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 05:52:00 PST

Perception Is What We See

We can never revisit the places of our past without being saddened.  If you leave your home and return many years later you will find that things have stood virtually still while you were away.&n...
Posted by Spray on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 08:08:00 PST


Drama blinds me and tears me up inside like a bad bowl of chili.  I have not been able to escape it; everything from thieving teenagers to nearly dead dogs and all the possible drama landscapes i...
Posted by Spray on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 08:54:00 PST

Frustration and a Bag of Leaves

Have you ever been so frustrated that you could explode?  That feeling hit me today while raking leaves.  Everytime I'd get a good size pile going the wind would blow, taking off the top lay...
Posted by Spray on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 10:28:00 PST

Being Somewhere

Traffic has a rhythm all its own.  The cars sway to and fro to a song that only they can hear.  When I am driving in this mobile metal dance floor, I realize that every person behind the whe...
Posted by Spray on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 04:26:00 PST