Life and the weird shit that comes with it ! Music and production , Scracthing Records, Making Paper ! The female ass, and just a wida array of random and various shit that i overall dig cuz they make me laugh including bot not limiting to : Public intoxicationn, fornication with opposite sex, Hand pearlin a beautiful L !, Party rockin' @ a jam in fRont of a crowd, smoking, drinking and all other types of ill sHit! Overall rElaXing !
anyone that has a good soul and a clean bill of health .... he... , but honestly i wanna meet cool people that love life and every bad thing that comes with it !... UPDATE 7/09/2006...ok listen up the thing is i am always cool and relaxed but mostly people on line Easily aGravate Me . FUCK YA'LL i got my own problems to worry about !!! EVERYONE ELSE ...BE A SEXY HALF NAKED FEMALE WHO DESPERATELY WANTS MY TUBBY BODY !
massive attack unfinished sympathy
Add to My Profile | More VideosWait No sOng Thats rIght KiddiEs No MuSic So yOu can Justify Loafing aRound hEre, Now Beat it .... ok well don't beat it. sTop by But Dont wear this wElcome oF yOurs out
...oK So Theres sOme Songs Now... You're Welcome!
all of it you name it i listen and like it I do not listen to the radio though its the worst, think of it as elevator music for the car your not supposed to pay attention, just humm to it RAP, HOUSE, DRUM AND BASS, JAZZ, ROCK, CLASSICS, CLASSICAL, RETRO 80'Z CUTZ , AND YOU GOTTA LOVE YOU SOME FRANK SINATRA... but i gotta have a good old fashioned scratch session with my guys every now and then !
all of them ... go ahead try to name one i havent seen i went to college as a film student Ultra Nerd ! i have seen almost every piece of shit movie wether INDIE made with a fuckin handycam to the most expensive pieces of shit ... but i admit i love to laff so comedies are Cool to me ! but i also am feeling a good foreign flick some of them are Great .
I hate reality tv... theres no fat people on reality tv no tubbies make it on Reality tv hows that reality ? Iraqi IdOl iS too Heated Though ! fAmily GUy, Athf, just NO damn Realtiy Tv Please!
Most of you fuckers don't rEad .... lets just say i am well read and i have aN Exceptional vocabulary.fuckin got iT ?
Heors are wOrkers: uNion Guys,steel workers, plUmbers, Electricians And KidS iN 3rd World Countries maKin My snEakers , Can't do It Without my Nikes ! FAMILY GUY...My MotheR.