iM iNteResteD iN maNy tHingS.. LikE muSic, mOvieS anD etC.. tHatS whY iF i hAve a fReE tiMe.. i uSed tO iT.. i aLso iNterEsted iN boyS??uMm.. sOmetiMes.. wiTh mY fRienDs.. fLirtiNg wiTh bOyS?? haNginG ouT witH thEm..yeAh!!hehe.. bUt iF yOu wanT tO knOw moRe bouT mY iNteResTs juSt LooK aT maH pRofilE aT thE LefT poRtion oF yOur sCReeN.._____________heY!! hAve yOu sEen tHis piC?? weLL, tHis piCtuRes waS taKen whEn wE weRe goiNg tO TAMUGAN in tHe buS wiTh maH fRiends, cO- gOrgeouS, aNd witH ouR cLasmeYts gurlsistahdude.. wE weRe haVing fuN!! caNt yOu sEe tHat?? wErE aLL sweaT??haha..wE caNnoT fOrgeT tHiS exPerienCe..
Id LikE tO meEt aNyonE.. i waNt tO haVe maNy mAny fRienDs.. whOm theY cAn sHarE deR eXperieNces iN LifE.. anD aLso iD LikE tO meEt..
Glittery texts by
hAvE yOU EvEr… EmOtIOn… I wIll bE hErE…. mIlkshAkE… IntUItION… IgnItIOn… All I hAvE… prAyEr… gOssIp fOlks… why nOt… lIkE glUE… I’m sAd… mOrE tO lIfE… hOw?… tO prOvOkE… OnE lIght yEAr… gUnshOt… trAvEl In lOve… It dOEsn’t mAttEr… rIght thUrr… All yOU wAntEd… swIng3x… gOOdbyE tO yOU… wIthOUt yOUr lOve… mOrE tO lIfE… slOw jAmz.. eRaseRheaDs soNgs.. piNk sOngs.. aNythinG!! RNB.. aLterNativE..maNy tO menTioN..
whAtEvEr It tAkEs… frEAky FrIday… pEtEr pAn… the hAUntEd OffIce… thE gOldEn child… prIncEss dIArIEs… tOrqUE… chIld’s plAy 2… hArry pOttEr…. 13th ghOst… scOOby dOO... thE pArEnt trAp... jOE's ApArtmEnt... thE phOnE...hAUntEd spIrIt... fEng shUI...mEET thE fOckErs... thE grUdge... thE tAlE Of twO sIsters... i Love rOmanTic, cOmedY, dRama, sUspencE, sCi- fi, hOrRoR, nOt reaLLy tHe aCtioN moVie.. maNy tO meNtioN.. iVe waTcH maNy moviEs aWhiLe a gO..hehe
dIsnEy chAnnEl (“stUdIO d…tOtAlly spIEs…lIzzIE mcgUIre…zAck fIlEs…thAt’’s sO rAvEnâ€)… scq…AmErIcAn IdOl…hbO…fEAr fActOr… mtv… myx…iD LovE aLL tV shOws..
clUb sTepHanIe.. sWeet vAlLey.. dA vinCi coDe..
HerOes?? weLL, dArnA?? cB?? sUpeRmaN?? sPideRmaN??hehe.. jUst kiDdinG!! bY da waY, mY onE aNd onLy hErO.. `SiSteR`..