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eiLeEn ü

I am here for Friends

About Me

?? ??? ????. ?? ?? ??? ????. ?? ??? ????. ?? ?? ??? ????.ahn nyeong hase yo. song jung hyun im ni da. its been awhile since the last time i got here. and damn. a lot has changed. over the past few months, weeks, days, theres always a change in a person. im still trying to find out what that change in me might be. as what they say , the only constant thing in this world is change. i just turned 16. and i can say that that birthday wasnt really the sweetest. its not easy to leave someone or get left behind. so, i must say that you should spend every 60 seconds of your life with your friends, famiy or a special someone. you should be seen smiling with them. coz every 60 seconds you spend frowning and being angry can never bought back. so go ahead and live your life to the fullest. coz youll never know when's the end....i dont wanna live this way forever... ...a dead letter marked return to sender...i can say that i have learned a lot of things this summer. and schools about to start. this is the year that ive been fearing of. im graduating high school and soon, i wont get to see some of my friends because of the different schedules. im also afraid of college and my life after that. challenges would be much more difficult along the way. and i hope i can surpass such challenges. its not only me thats facing a deep challenge in life. my friends are experiencing that too. missing someone can be so damn irritating. and hurting too. coz you keep on looking back at the memories you had together.
Name: song jung hyun / quilo eiLeEn
Birthdate: 051690
Birthplace: seoul / manila
Current Location: davao, philippines
Eye Color: hazel brown
Hair Color: pure black
Height: 5'2
Weight: secret! ^^
Piercings: 2 but before i had 3 and im gonna get that back
Tatoos: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: boyfriend... none at the meantime
Overused Phraze: it actually start with: aish!.....
Food: chocolates, cheese, pastas any actually...
Candy: too many...
Number: 9 & 11
Color: blue, black, red... khaki, silver...
Animal: doggies!
Drink: fruit juices
Alcohol Drink: none
Bagel: plain
Letter: L and or K
Body Part on Opposite sex: eyes and hands ^^
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: i prefer pepsi but dont drink both
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: both
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hot choco
Kiss or Hug: hug
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: neither
Summer or Winter: winter... i wanna try that... haha^^
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: both
Love or Money: love ^^*~
Bedtime: around 1am
Most Missed Memory: my high school days... even though im still a senior
Best phyiscal feature: none?! i guess my ---butt---
First Thought Waking Up: thatd be a secret... haha
Goal for this year: to rock my senior year
Best Friends: lots...
Weakness: love i guess
Fears: cockroaches
Heritage: flip/kor
Longest relationship: 2months or so...
Ever Drank: yes
Ever Smoked: i tried but i dont smoke
Pot: no
Ever been Drunk: no
Ever been beaten up: no
Ever beaten someone up: no
Ever Shoplifted: no
Ever Skinny Dipped: i guess
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: nope
Been Dumped Lately: nope
Favorite Eye Color: hazel brown
Favorite Hair Color: black and or brown
Short or Long: short
Height: 5'6 and up... ^^
Style: rugged/senti...any actually...
Looks or Personality: more on personality
Hot or Cute cute
Drugs and Alcohol: no,no,no
Muscular or Really Skinny: normal
Number of Regrets in the Past: 1,2,3,4,5...list goes on...
What country do you want to Visit: France/Korea
How do you want to Die: just because of oldness
Been to the Mall Lately: yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: no
Get along with your Parents: yes
Health Freak: no
Do you think your Attractive: no
Believe in Yourself: yes
Want to go to College: ofcourse!
Do you Smoke: nope.
Do you Drink: nope.
Shower Daily: of course
Been in Love: i think not
Do you Sing: yepp
Want to get Married: i guess so
Do you want Children: i dunno
Have your future kids names planned out: omg. no...
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: im still not thinking of losing that
Hate anyone: no one at the meantime

My Interests

My favorite...
...color is blue, red, black and silver, khaki...
...animals are dogs
...sport is swimming, tennis, basketball, badminton
...season is summer and christmas season!
...TV show is whose line is it anyway
...drink is lemonade
...book is Harry Potter
...band is Bamboo
...holiday is Christmas
...website is http://ei_0516.braveblog.com

Interest Table Code provided by htmate2.com/interest

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

friends. old friends. new friends. people who share the same interests with me. anyone actually. who am i to choose? im only one. there are billions of people in the world. and sometimes, you only need one. have you found "THE ONE"?!YM: ei_0516...TVfXQ...xiah...yunho...max...jaejoong...yoochun... ...kim jung-hwa...jung-tae wu...jung da-bin...lee jin...choi minyong...haha...hyo-jin...whole cast of arirang's none stop......lee soo young...song seung-hun...jeon ji-hyun...se7en...boA...rain...lee junki...lee hyo lee...kim jae won...lee dong gun...lee dong wook...jo hyeon je...

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kPOP, jpop pOp, rOck, uRbaN, sEnti r&b...TVXQ! (Dong Ban Shin Ki), JTL, boA, rAin, se7en, tony ahn, hyori lee, shinhwa..... width="425" height="350" ..LudacRis, aLicia KeyS, UshEr, AaLiyah, MisSy eLLioT, NeLLy furTado, JesSica SimpSon, KimberLy cLarkE, TLC, Yellowcard, SuM41, CrEed, SimpLe pLaN, MarOon5, DefauLt, OffsPring, iNcuBuS, bLinK 182, MYMP, 112, BoysIIMen,


the guy waS cooL, iL mare, 100 days with mr. arrogaNt, my littLe briDe, the cLassic, lovE so diviNe, mY saSsy girL, wiNdstruCk, JenNy aNd juNo, my boyFriEnd iS tyPe B, ThE bOurNe suPreMacy, ThE bOurNe iDenTitY, HarRy pOtteR, 2FasT 2fuRiouS, CradLe 2 The gRavE, LOTR triLogy,sNow whiTe, LioN kiNg, fiNdinG nEmO, maDaGasCar, WhaT a GirL WantS, HeaD oVer HeELs, a KnigHts taLe, hOw 2 LosE a gUy in 10 dAys, if oNly, eNougH, bLacK HawK DowN, xXx, HoT cHicK, i sPy, sAvinG PrivatE rYaN, saVe thE LasT daNcE, CharLie's aNgeLs, CharLie's aNgeLs: FuLL thRottLe, LiaR LiaR, aCe VentuRa: NatuRe caLLs, CorKy rOmanO, siMonE, CoyoTe ugLy, bRing iT oN agAin, yOu goT sErveD, dRumLinE..


ShOw MusiC TaNk, poPs iN sEouL ,ShowKinG m, New NonStoP, my girL, guys and girLs, In youR eyEs, uNdEr 1 roOf, CriBs, WhOsE Line iS iT anYway, TaiNa, RomEo!, SaBriNa, PunK'd, gLow, The LoOk 4 LesS, LovE cHain, thE dRew CareY shOw, diSmissEd, tHe waDe rObsoN projEct...


HarRy pOtteR seriEs, SwEeT VaLLey, The BouRne iDenTitY, thE BourNe supRemacY, thE bouRnE uLtiMatum, thE caT iN thE haT, tHe emPeRors nEw cLothEs, thE pRinceSs aNd tHe peA, sWeEt dReams, LovE sToriEs... and also fan fictions!


my one and only Yoochun oppa! sarang hae yo!.... domu kyupta!

My Blog


Why do we have to part while the love is still there? Why do we have to suffer? Why do we have to cry when love bids goodbye? Why do beginnings have an end? Why do we have to meet only to lose in the ...
Posted by eiLeEn ü on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

nothing more nothing less

ei!! is there anyone out there who's friendly enough 2 show me whats the reaL meaning of life??(",)
Posted by eiLeEn ü on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST