My favorite...
...color is blue, red, black and silver, khaki...
...animals are dogs is swimming, tennis, basketball, badminton
...season is summer and christmas season!
...TV show is whose line is it anyway
...drink is lemonade is Harry Potter is Bamboo is Christmas is
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anyone actually. who am i to choose?
im only one. there are billions of people in the world.
and sometimes, you only need one.
have you found "THE ONE"?!YM: ei_0516...TVfXQ...xiah...yunho...max...jaejoong...yoochun... jung-hwa...jung-tae wu...jung da-bin...lee jin...choi minyong...haha...hyo-jin...whole cast of arirang's none stop......lee soo seung-hun...jeon ji-hyun...se7en...boA...rain...lee junki...lee hyo jae won...lee dong gun...lee dong hyeon je...
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kPOP, jpop pOp, rOck, uRbaN, sEnti r&b...TVXQ! (Dong Ban Shin Ki), JTL, boA, rAin, se7en, tony ahn, hyori lee, shinhwa..... width="425" height="350" ..LudacRis, aLicia KeyS, UshEr, AaLiyah, MisSy eLLioT, NeLLy furTado, JesSica SimpSon, KimberLy cLarkE, TLC, Yellowcard, SuM41, CrEed, SimpLe pLaN, MarOon5, DefauLt, OffsPring, iNcuBuS, bLinK 182, MYMP, 112, BoysIIMen,
the guy waS cooL, iL mare, 100 days with mr. arrogaNt, my littLe briDe, the cLassic, lovE so diviNe, mY saSsy girL, wiNdstruCk, JenNy aNd juNo, my boyFriEnd iS tyPe B, ThE bOurNe suPreMacy, ThE bOurNe iDenTitY, HarRy pOtteR, 2FasT 2fuRiouS, CradLe 2 The gRavE, LOTR triLogy,sNow whiTe, LioN kiNg, fiNdinG nEmO, maDaGasCar, WhaT a GirL WantS, HeaD oVer HeELs, a KnigHts taLe, hOw 2 LosE a gUy in 10 dAys, if oNly, eNougH, bLacK HawK DowN, xXx, HoT cHicK, i sPy, sAvinG PrivatE rYaN, saVe thE LasT daNcE, CharLie's aNgeLs, CharLie's aNgeLs: FuLL thRottLe, LiaR LiaR, aCe VentuRa: NatuRe caLLs, CorKy rOmanO, siMonE, CoyoTe ugLy, bRing iT oN agAin, yOu goT sErveD, dRumLinE..
ShOw MusiC TaNk, poPs iN sEouL ,ShowKinG m, New NonStoP, my girL, guys and girLs, In youR eyEs, uNdEr 1 roOf, CriBs, WhOsE Line iS iT anYway, TaiNa, RomEo!, SaBriNa, PunK'd, gLow, The LoOk 4 LesS, LovE cHain, thE dRew CareY shOw, diSmissEd, tHe waDe rObsoN projEct...
HarRy pOtteR seriEs, SwEeT VaLLey, The BouRne iDenTitY, thE BourNe supRemacY, thE bouRnE uLtiMatum, thE caT iN thE haT, tHe emPeRors nEw cLothEs, thE pRinceSs aNd tHe peA, sWeEt dReams, LovE sToriEs... and also fan fictions!
my one and only Yoochun oppa! sarang hae yo!.... domu kyupta!