Mike profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Alright...so I'm really bad at myspace as some of you have probably noticed. I'm really not a bad person...I just really don't take myspace seriously and it just takes me forever to reply so bare with me. If you meet me in real life...that's where it's at!

I'm in an up and coming pop-rock band called THE OTHERHALF that I want absolutely everyone to check out whether you love it or hate it.....This is what I do!


If you like what you hear - tell us and let it be known. Be the first to get this band into your town. We want your help and we want to hear from you!
Any support is greatly appreciated! Hope to hear from you soon

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

genuine people with real values...there aren't many out there...


Bands this month:

The doors
Handsome Boy Modelling School
Peeping Tom
Motely Crue


Trying to catch up over the 6 years I've missed of cinematical shit to sift through all the bullshit and find the real quality films...wish me luck.


Any time I can catch Conan O'Brien, SNL or any funny talk show...since they're usually improvised oh and this.....


Million Dollar Mistakes by Moses Avalon.


My GIRL(Les)
my friends
my family

people who just keep moving forward.

My Blog

Yeah, I’m still alive and kickin.....

Damn!It's been months since I've had the time to just sit down, clear my head and air my thoughts on here. So many things are happening and distractions really deter me from even attempting. I'm the...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 06:23:00 PST

NEW UPDATES! (sorry for the delay....)

Hey guys,Sorry for the lack of responses and updates...it's been hard to get to a computer lately....We've all returned to our work behind the scenes to make things happen (ie. quitting shitty jobs th...
Posted by Mike on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 11:47:00 PST


So, I've picked up and moved to another city to pursue moving forward with our band...Starting fresh again. It's kind of nice to get away from distraction, bad influence, lack of direction.  I wo...
Posted by Mike on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 04:13:00 PST


Hey guys, To everyone who's written me or interested in whats going on with my life I just want to give a big huge thank you! The support from everyone has been wicked and has actually helped fr...
Posted by Mike on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 06:38:00 PST