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meanderings of a GYPSY!

About Me

I am a gypsy of sorts, I love the smell of pine trees, Green is my color, I like to wear knee high socks, There is always room for pizza, I am a photographer, I love to laugh, I dance to any music, i sing in the car, I cry when i watch movies, I love to sleep with lots of blankets and pillows, My favorite drink at the moment is lime tea, I believe in ghosts, fairys, dragons, and ufo's! I love a mystery. My friends and family mean the world to me!

My Interests

Seeking out new adventures, hiking , biking, camping, swiming, going to the movies, Driving my Jeep and singing in the car, Im a picture taker, i like video games expessually rpg ( final fantasy 7 is still the best ) Reading On a rainy, cold day

I'd like to meet:

People who inspire me ! People who seek adventure and live there life like there is no tomorrow!" height="355" ..


Tom waits on rainy days , counting crows , green day, rusted root, Maroon 5, the killers, Mazzy star , Jason mraz, jaime cullum, Ani defranco, natalie merchant, joss stone, My new luv Clann An Drumma they are from scotland bagpipes ,and drums they are so intense. (Clann an drumma, which is now known as Albannach! I luv all music folk, pop, hip-hop, some rap, some country, tecno and dance , I luv meeting new people and having them making me a cd so i can get new music. you learn alot about people and the music they listen to .


princess bride, ( always and forever a classic ) Hackers, empire records, any movie with angelina jolie !!! ( I think she is beautiful, And what she does to help out other countries i admire !) dazed and confused ( hilarious) The count of monte cristo, Things to do in denver when you are dead( Does he make you thump?, Boat drinks) Braveheart , Harry potter, Bullet proof monk, Along came polly, kill bill 2, Crazy beautiful , Practical magick , (hildago, any musketeer movie , Zorro, Indiana jones , The goonies , Movies for my adventurous side! ) Sahara and serenity ( which if you have not seen the firefly series i must recommend it!)


Don't watch TV much but when i do i luv dharma and greg, FIREFLY One of the best ever! , (The amazing Race! I Miss the hippies! : ) ) Starting watching Battlestar Galactica, and Heroes!


harry potter, steven king( Gunslinger series , anne rice vampire and witch series. dan millman the way of the peaceful warrior series. Hiking books, right now reading ones on the appalachian trail and the pacific crest trail!


My Grandma & Grandpa, My friend Helen ( Even though I know she would never think of herself as such.)

My Blog

Cathy Is Falling Apart!

Right now I am in a lot of pain!  I have a spot on my left leg that burns and hurts alot.  My right shoulder has brusitis, Which basically means it has been over used.  I think it stems...
Posted by cathy on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 06:48:00 PST

R.I.P. Viola R. Fisher

Viola R. Fisher Born December 1, 1917 , in Mechanicsburg, PA. Died Febuary 4, 2008.  Viola was a homemaker, and a Graduate of Mechanicsburg High school, Class of 1936.  She is survived by h...
Posted by cathy on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 06:49:00 PST

Cathys 28th birthday

+ WOW! I can't believe I am 28 years old. Time is flying so fast. Wait, wait I am pulling on the reins here!!!! Just yesterday I was playing in my best friend Katies lawn hooking a wagon to our bikes ...
Posted by cathy on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 11:08:00 PST

Snowflakes and a sprinkle of Tom!

San Diego Seranade I Never saw the morning till I stayed up all night I never saw the sunshine till you turned out the light I never saw my hometown until I stayed away too long I never heard the melo...
Posted by cathy on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 02:24:00 PST

Thanksgiving Week

Its been so long since I wrote anything on here.  It seems like everyday I have been waking up really early to go to work and get ready for the Black Friday rush.  Thanksgiving day we went ...
Posted by cathy on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 06:21:00 PST

Home for a little while.

Some of you know that we are Home right now.  Franklin had to come home and do some landscaping for his customers. So it was back home we go! I have been cleaning up around the house.  It ne...
Posted by cathy on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 04:13:00 PST

To many things to say.

There are just way to many things to say .  We went to Yosemite Nationsl Park.  Driving to the park was scary!  Twisty turny roads and no guard rails!  One wrong turn and over the ...
Posted by cathy on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:31:00 PST

Adventures out west day 7

Today we wne to San Fransisco.  We drove past Haight-Ashbury. For those that don't know Haight-Ashbury was where all the Hippies, Beat poets, Artist, and musians lived in the 60's and probably st...
Posted by cathy on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 07:28:00 PST

Adventures out West Day 6

Today we drove through the rest of Nevada. One thing about Nevada they have slot machines like Nebraska has cornfields.  We drove into California around the Lake Tahoe . Did not get to see the la...
Posted by cathy on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 09:50:00 PST

Adventures Out West Day 5

Day 5~ Today we drove the rest of the way through Wyoming and into Utah and Nevada.  In Utah we past by the Great Salt lake. The Great Salt lake is 75 miles  long ( On average) .  The G...
Posted by cathy on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 09:43:00 PST