Bas Maas fanpage profile picture

Bas Maas fanpage

About Me

!!!! News !!!!
This Friday Bas will share the stage with the “Queen of Metal” Doro. During the McFit Fight Night in the Arena in Cologne, Doro performs the song “All we Are” and, together with some other famous musicians, Bas helps her out on guitar. The McFit Fight night will be broadcasted by Pro7, a german television station. We hope to put some pictures and video on this site next week!
My name is Aniek and I decided to make a Bas Maas fanpage, I'm also a big fan of After Forever. I hope you like the myspace and add me as your friend :)

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Biography of Bas Maas: I first joined After Forever during the summer of 2000. I knew sander because we were classmates. He told me about a gig at the Bospop Festival and I offered to be his guitartech for this show. this really worked out great for sander and i also enjoyed it (free beer!!!) From that moment on I joined the After Forever Family. During my time as guitartech I was already playing in my own band called Sedition. this was a 70's rockcoverband. I played guitar and was the lead singer. When I quit this band I was already singing in an other rock and metal coverband called ROXXX. Sadly enough this band only existed for only four gigs. But during this short period I learned a lot. The guys I was playing with were some really good musicians. After ROXXX, Irene Jansen (floor's sister) asked me to form a band together with her. We got together and talked about the idea's we had and we started to look for other musicians. When the band was complete we wrote our own songs which sounded really great. during this time I was also on the road a lot as guitartech of After Forever and Sander and I started to work on a project called "The Eternia Project". Sander and I wrote our own songs and recorded these ideas on a little four-track in Sanders bedroom surrounded by Heman-dolls that gave us the inspiration we needed. Then I got my big shot when Mark left the band. After Forever asked me to be their guitarplayer. Of course I didn't need much time to come up with an answer. This band needed some rock&roll badly. Apparently they thought I was the smelly bastard they needed, so i accepted. My first gig was on a radioshow called Leidsche Kade Live. And that went very good. Now After Forever is my fulltime job. Not only playing my guitar, but also helping out in any way I can with the company After Forever.

My Interests

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All of the pics are made by Joost Doensen

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