music - all types - teaching it, creating it, playing it, etc ......... check out .......... i am also available for hire as a freelance musician - player and teacher (french horn, trumpet, piano/keys, guitar, bass guitar, voice, and music transcription) ....... i love surfing
Jesus, Mozart, and the first city traffic planner of los angeles (i want to hurt him - and not just a little bit)
this subject might be far easier to discuss in person - my tastes are wide ranging and eclectic .......... when people ask "what are my influences musicwise" ......... well - i've probably been influenced in some way be almost everything i've ever listened to from classical music to led zeppelin to tool to morcheeba to the gap band to david wilcox to sufi music to 80's new wave to 50's do wop to 60's surf music to .......... even stuff i haven't "liked" per se , i have still analyzed it and gotten something good out of it ......... get the picture ???
my top 5 - in no particular order : braveheart, the nightmare before christmas, the princess bride, breakfast at tiffany's, meet john doe .......... those being said .......... i love films and have many others i like, kenneth branagh's hamlet was some of the best 4 1/2 hours i have ever spent, mel brooks (like mel gibson) is a genius "i'm a mawg, half man, half dog ...... i'm my own best friend", christopher guest is simply one of the finest actor/ directors in the world today .......... i am hardly as opinionated about film as some of my friends in the "industry" - but i have learned to be more intelligently critical of films as well .......... i'm sure i forgot a bunch here - just ask
for several years i had no tv at home - sometimes i wonder if in the past few years i haven't been trying to make up for lost time ........ my regular shows include "24", house, prison break, bones (yeah, i know, it seems like fox has done a good job of making shows i like), football games - both college and pro (go green bay, and go badgers!!!!), the history channel, the discovery channel, the sci-fi channel .... i just seem to get in the mood for a certain type of tv for awhile and will watch that for a weeek or two and then move to something else .....
i was a voracious reader as a kid ........ stopped for awhile (reading too many self help and spiritual books will burn anyone out from reading ........) started to read for fun again about a few years ago ........ timeline, the "left behind series", harry potter books, holes (i have to keep up with what my students read to be relatable) ......... favorite authors thru the years have been tolkein, cs lewis, piers anthony, asimov, heinlein, geez - you really wanna get me started here ????? if you have read something i haven't and liked it - share it with me - i'll read it too - altho i have found that i haven't been able to read as much as i would like sometimes due to an ofttimes hectic schedule
(see "people i'd like to meet") ...... my parents - married 40+ years ........ excellent examples of spouse/parent/citizen .........