*Lauren* profile picture


I'm grown...too old for the immaturity.

About Me

Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.comCome May, I'll be a college graduate and makin moves in some company. One day soon, I'm going to be rich. But for now, I'm a 21 year old senior at USC. I work, go to school and stay pretty busy trying to stay on top of everything. In my spare time I like shopping, working out, listening to music, reading and spending time with my friends. I'm not a big party person, which means you won't find me in the club too much. I just rather chill. I'm NOT on here to really meet any new people but more so to keep in touch with my friends. If people do choose to hit me up, that's fine, but I choose to surround myself with people who are trying to do it big like me.This is going to sound mean as hell, but it needs to be said. The people on my friends list are my "friends", not strangers. Please don't try and add me as a friend or ask me to add you if I don't even know your name, cuz I won't. Get this FREE MySpace layout and more at MySpaceOrYours.net
*AbOut U*
Name Lauren
Birthday July 25th
Birthplace Los Angeles
Current Location Los Angeles, for now
Height 5'2"/5'3"
Eye Color drk. brown
Hair Color brown
Marital Status single
Car '03 Chevy Cavalier
Food Soul Food & Mexican Food
Color Purple & Pink
Show Sex and the City
Group Jodeci
Animal dolphin and white tiger
Drink Adios m.f. & amaretto sour
Magazine Cosmopolitan
Book Coldest Winter Ever
Number 25 & 7
*Do You*
Have siblings? no
Have a best friend? yes, Lea
Have tattoos? I will by the end of the summer
Drink? yes
*Have You Ever*
Smiled for no reason? all the time
Written a song? unsuccessfully
Been in love? yes sir
Stolen anything? nope
Kissed someone in the rain? i hate rain
Last book you read? the dictionary
Last movie you saw? The Devil Wears Prada
Last thing you ate? strawberries
Last person you talked to on the phone? Mylinda
Last time you laughed? on the phone with her
Last time you cried? can't remember
Last song you sang? Me & you
*Finish the Line*
I miss... summer breaks
My biggest pet peeve... liars
After graduation... i'm getting out of here.

My Interests

Mystery Novels. Ellipses. Tinker Bell Merchandise. Adriana Lima. Graduating. Making money. Real Estate. Men, not boys. My future and wondering what I'm doing after graduation. Warren Buffet.

I'd like to meet:

Warren Buffet, T. Boone Pickens Jr., Bill & Melinda Gates.Tinker Bell. Take the quiz: "Which Disney Character Are You?"

You are Tinkerbell. You love magic and you care for others dearly.


Anything with a message but generally listen to R&B and Rap.


The Notebook, Mean Girls, Don't Be A Menace, Shrek, Harry Potters, The Incredibles, The Little Mermaid, Love Jones


Law and Order, Golden Girls, Sex & The City, Grey's Anatomy, THE WIRE!


Flyy Girl, Coldest Winter Ever, Family by J. California Cooper, almost everything by Judy Blume, Novels by James Patterson(Kiss the Girls). The Millionaire Next Door.


My grandmother, who got a graduate degree when most women, especially black women were being discriminated against. Warren Buffet.