Kanan[NYDParade!/ch ch cr3w] profile picture

Kanan[NYDParade!/ch ch cr3w]

Im so pathetic I make myself sick.

About Me

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My name is kanan.

"I'm sorry If I'm alienating some of you. Your fucking culture alienates me."

new years day is amazing.

Add blue sky summer!! they are awesome. MyGen

My Interests

8 days[til taste of chaos]

I'd like to meet:


new years day.

the used.

the distillers.




bring me the horizon.

the cure.




the smiths.



smashing pumpkins.

operation ivy.


the horrors.

circa survive.

bikini kill.

siouxsie and the banshees.

. saves the day.


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
American History X.
The Craft.
Pan's Labyrinth.
The Goonies.
Virgin Suicides.
The Breakfast Club.
Billy Madison.
Ten Things I hate about you.
The Hills Have Eyes.
Little Miss Sunshine.
40 Year Old Virgin.
Garden State.
A Walk To Remember.
Mean Girls.
The Notebook.
Hocus Pocus.
True Romance.
The Dead Poets Society.
Hedwig And The Angry Inch.
A Hard Days Night.
Girl Interrupted.
She's Too Young.
Donnie Darko.
A Beautiful Mind.
Good Will Hunting.
The Departed.
The Talented Mr. Ripley.
What's Eating Gilbert Grape.

and fuck you cuz lifetime movies rule!


I like going to shows. upcoming shows Im attending: Taste of Chaos. February 22nd. Long Beach Arena. Eyes Set to Kill. March 1st. The Whiskey. Meg & Dia. March 10th. The Glass House. I am Ghost. March 17th. El Rey Theater. Alesana. March 28th. The Glass House. Saves the Day. April 13th. House of Blues-Sunset. The Blood Brothers. April 22nd. The Glass House.


The perks of being a wallflower.
It is the best book I've ever read and I keep reading it over, and over, and over again. Read it, you'll fall in love.


Savy. This is my best friend in the history of the whole universe. I don't know what I would do without her. She has made my life in the past 2 years alot better. Nothing can ever tear us apart.
Kylee.This is my sister and one of my best friends. We stay up until 4 in the morning making stupid videos we say we're gonna put on youtube but are always too embarassed to actually do. It's pretty cool to have a sister that doesn't care about what anyone thinks.
Cody.This be my brother. I look up to him a whole lot. He basically took care of me most of my life. He takes me to get tattoo's and tells me when I look dumb and laughs with me about it later. He's one of the best people ever.
Olivia. I met her in the most boring class ever. Ms. Taitz algebra class. Then we had crazy Mr. Gaughen. We go to school and watch the wild squirrels dig in trash cans. We have crazy adventures that only happen when both of us are together. I love her more than go-gurt. That's hard to beat.
Skyler.Come back to California! He came into my work before. We talk about music and guys, but he's not gay. Well, he is a little. He's a fattie. Always eating ben & jerry's and cookies without me. If he was still here I bet we'd be inseperable.
Cory.My little brother. He's a fucking gangster. At least he thinks he is. I miss him. I don't get to see him much, but, when I do see him it makes my year. Og gangster.
Austin.He eats pretzels alot. He loves pretzels actually. He's so amazing. You should be jealous if you're not his friend because he is awesome. He makes fun of the british even though his best friend is british. He helps me alot about a certain situation. Thanks.
Tyson.He hates when people call him Tyson but he said that I can because I'm cool. He's a Chiodos freak. He is one of the best people to have a conversation with. You should try him out sometime.
Schuyler. Part of my second family. One of the coolest girls I've ever met ever. Basically she's gonna be my sister in the future. Sister not sista.
Rachel. We get along because we are both nerds. We don't like calling our teacher "big daddy". Old school nick shows are our favorite. We watch are you afraid of the dark and rank the episodes because we're cool like that.
Kameron.We've had good times and very bad times. I really miss the good though. Even though things aren't the way they were before, we are working on getting our friendship to a better level.