Niobe was the queen of Thebes, married to Amphion.
Niobe and Amphion had fourteen children (the Niobids). In a moment of arrogance, Niobe bragged about her seven sons and seven daughters at a ceremony in honor of Leto, the daughter of the titans. Niobe mocked Leto, who only had two children, Apollo, god of prophecy and music, and Artemis, virgin goddess of the wild. Leto did not take the insult lightly, and in retaliation, sent Apollo and Artemis to slaughter all of Niobe's children. Apollo killed the seven sons, Artemis killed the seven daughters. At the sight of his dead sons, Amphion either committed suicide or was also killed by Apollo for wanting to avenge his children's deaths. Niobe's entire family was dead in a matter of minutes. In shock, she cradled the youngest daughter in her arms, then fled to Siplyon mountain in Asia Minor. There she turned to stone and from the rock formed a stream from her ceaseless tears. She became the symbol of eternal mourning...
â€Nioba†band was founded in Belgrade, Serbia, at the beginning of 2006 A.C. Focused on composing & arranging music inspired by the myths, ancient as well as modern lifestyle, motion of color, poetry, christianity, warping of time, space, and people evolving from the very dawn of civilization to today. The regular members, also authors and founders, are Srdjan Milosevic (singer/guitarist of the band Madcap) & Milos Drobnjakovic (producer/song writer of the electronic duet Poems). Guest members are often invited to play and take a share in a songs, at Nioba Studios, as well for sessions taken place in a wilderness.