Old school punk, garage rock, spaghetti Westerns, provocateurs, grand failures, muckrakers, comicbooks, poetry and fiction that make my guts churn, trying to write stuff that'll do the same, politics and philosophy, doodling, coffee ice cream, living in a world all my own, saving the universe, strange dreams, sour gummi bears, unconventional beauty, turning my head quickly enough to catch the scene being changed, other stuff.
NPR correspondent Jamie Tarabay. No seriously. Anyone out there who can hook that up would be numero uno in my book. Oh, and Joe Strummer. No wait, he's dead. Nuts. Okay, then how about some cool people who know who Joe Strummer is.
Sure, I could impress you with my snobby eclectic tastes (Dylan, Bowie, Otis) and go on about my favorite bands (Velvet Underground, the Clash) or the current acts that should be getting more attention (Arcade Fire, Black Keys, B.R.M.C.), but really, what's the point? I'm just not into that kind of self aggrandizement. Besides, I work in an office where all they play is SMOOTH FUCKING JAZZ, so I'm pretty sure I'm dead inside. Aurally castrated, if you will. I mean, for God's sake, they just played Seal's "Kiss From a Rose" for the fifth time today. Sure, I bought that CD back when I was a morose, melodramatic 14-year-old who liked to pantomime crucifixion poses during the power notes, but I'm past that now. I've got my meds all balanced out and I no longer feel the need to stare portentously into space when Live's "Lightning Crashes" comes on. Although I still rock out to "White Discussion," and fuck you for judging.
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The Death of America is a lesson that’s also present in the remarkable fourth season of “The Wire,†which aims for and achieves art’s highest honor: It matters. Simply one of the finest pieces of visual storytelling ever produced, creator David Simon’s rumination on the slow decay of the Baltimore inner cities is an unforgiving invective against all the lies we tell ourselves about the war on drugs, the educational system, self-important bureaucracies and the American dream. Politicians, cops, gangsters, dealers, addicts, hoppers, mothers, teachers, kids and anyone in between, “The Wire†is a top to bottom epic about all the things that should matter and all the things that don’t. You don’t just watch “The Wire.†You grieve with it.
What are these "books" you speak of?
Is this where I'm supposed to say Jesus or my parents or something? To bastardize existential philosophy, I think you gotta be your own hero. I only hope I can live up to myself. And Joe Strummer. Because he gave a fuck.