Well im interested in all sorts of things: Photography... Painting... Reading... Writing... Rough Camping (no jokes please :D).... Bonsai... Reef Keeping... Playing Guitar and Keyboard Thrill Seeker!... Awsome!... Wifey...
Mr hankey the christmas poo
Well now i dont think i could live without music. I Listern to alot of old stuff eg The beatles. But i love the new Indie/Rock and alternative sounds by bands like Razorlight, Kaiser cheifs, Wolfmother, The Zutons, The Kooks. I also like easy listerning stuff eg Air.
I like Sci-fi, Action, Comedy, War, and epics.Lord of the rings (all of em) Troy Batman Begins Basic Instinct Preadator Aliens 1 & 2 Harry Potter (all of em) Pitch Black & The Chronicles of Riddick Austin Powers! Team America: World policeJust to name a few.
At the moment i dont watch much tele,But theres a couple of programs i religiously watch. Supernatural & Doctor Who and HEROS baby!Yeah baby!
Well ive got loads but my favourites are: The Wizard Knight - Gene Wolfe The Sword Of Truth Series - Terry Goodkind Belgarath The sorcerer - David Eddings Polgara The sorceress - David Eddings The chronicles of Blood and Stone - Robert Newcomb The Tamuli - David Eddings.I find that fantasy takes you away from your own life for a time giving you chance to get things off your mind and live in a world of magic.
My heros are those of you who can open locked doors in my mind and endure what lies behind it. (Wifey)