Thank you for taking time to read about me and why I am on Myspace.
As you can see from my profile, I am here for networking. In fact I am
a cyberspace sales person here to share information with you aboutMy Favorite Website...
It all began when a really good friend of mine started writing web pages. It was fun, very interesting and, most importantly a never ending challenge. My friend chose to attempt to help move on-going brick and mortar companies over to marketing on the Internet. These are American Companies who produce real products and who employ your fellow countrymen. That is a good thing.
The regular Internet is now old enough to be somewhat well defined. Concurrently, social networking has aged without being squeezed into a cut and paste format. Myspace, the number one social networking site, has just blown the top off of the number of visitors it gets on a daily basis. Myspace has given worldwide access to everyone who wishes to find new friends who share information about the same interests and hobbies.
My approach to Myspace marketing is pretty straight forward with minimal intrusion into my friends other pursuits. I comment only once to a new friend when I am accepting them as my friend. I restrict my bulletin frequency to once weekly. With the exception of Myspace classifieds, I make no sales offers on Myspace - just provide links to information or bargains on regular websites. When I blog on Myspace, it is to share information. I do make mistakes. I well know that to ignore Myspace is even more stupid than not selling on eBay.
So, that is me and my purpose for being here on Myspace. I hope the information I share with you will be of value to you and save you some dollars -- yes, Ben Franklin said a "penny saved is a penny earned" - so I hope to save you some dollars. That is my goal. Please click on the link above for more information.
Good to see you. Have a wonderful day and please come visit my profile again soon.
Thank you for being my friend,