Vinyls & big butts
- Every1 who knows 1self & what's doin here - Every president of each fuckin country, - G.W. Bush 1st 2 buy him a nu brain & 2 cut his middles - Martin Luther King (in mi dreams bro) - Da next president of Tibet (if born yet) - Oussama Bin Laden 2 tell him da game is ova now - J lo 2 show her a nice trick 2 get butt - 50 cent 2 make change (& get him a milky way) - Shaggy (even if me may tink is a batty boi) - EPMD strictly 4 bizzness - David Guetta 2 make da official vaseline mixtape - Dj Q-bert 4 da battle of his life - Tony Blair 2 have a sirius chat bout his secret childhood - Betty Boop... eventualy, Minnie Mouse - Sherlock Holmes 2 aks him what da dog is doin now - Britney Spears (only when she got periods) - Prince Charles coz he still holds me 15 pounds - Mike Tyson 4 a nice ears' combo while readin a sourate - Paris Hilton 2 teach her what "decency" means - Shakira 2 show her something big! - Bill Gates coz mi Atari 520 is fucked up - Da fanny cat dolls, dem need a real dog 2 b nuff fit - Da Dalaï Lama 2 make a kung fu movie ("RIP Bruce Lee") - Dj Grooverider 2 make a big silicon tune - Wiley Eskiboi 2 sell him bare ice skates 4 all his crew - Diego Maradona 2 build him up a natural grass regime plan - Jimi Hendrix' dentist (just 4 da feed back) - Ayrton Senna just b4 his last race - Nelson Mandela coz me miss him man 4 real - Guru coz he left a bag of weed in mi toilets - Michael Jordan 2 jump around on da house of pain anthem - Da man & da woman who 1st discovered sexe - Beyoncé 2 introduce her 2 mi parents - Da man (or da woman) who invented chocolate - Victoria Beckam 2 play balls - Willy from "Alf" (if still alive) - True people who truly discovered Amerika - Marvin Gaye coz him still alive & wanna party wid me!
Soulful & funky 2 mash up mi tuna (no more gangsta rap, 2 many rasclots ina game now), dancehall & speed garage in mi car
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New jack city, Save big willies, Rockers, Boyz ina hood, Spike Lee joints, Tarantino's, City of God, Amistad, ET, Menace II society, 12 Monkeys, Country man, Pulp Fiction, C'est arrivé près de chez vous, Ebony fat cheeks 13... & 59
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Arnold+Willy, Alf, Ali G show, Albator, Cobra, South Park, Strutter, H, Lafesse, Groland, Kung fu, X-or, Le journal du hard, Ricky ou la belle vie, Magnum, Mc Gyva (him so wicked..!), Black panthers TV...
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Richard Wright, Victo Hugo, James Bladwin, Marcus Garvey weekly, Alex Haley aka Kounta Kinté, Zulu nation's anual report, How to fail a terror plot?, Race 2day, Big butts mag...
Dj Cherky, Muhamad Ali, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Chaka Khan, Marvin Gaye, X-or "da space sheriff", La compagnie créole, Bruce Lee, all mi deepthroat gyals, dis man who keeps shooting all da time (me duno, why??? but respect himself!)
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