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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I own a film production company called A Slice of Pie Productions. I am an established screenwriter working my way into producing films. I am just a regular guy that likes to have fun. I don't take life to seriously...only when I need to I do. And everyone says I look like a young Al Pacino...everytime someone says that I make them give me a nickle...soon I'll be a millionaire!
Myspace Layouts

My Interests

Hot chickies, Coors Light, Jack Daniels, a nice cigar, a good joke, writing, painting, conspiracy theories, riding the motorcycle, going to Yankee and NY Giants games and hangin' with friends.

I'd like to meet:

New, interesting, fun people and old friends..... width="425" height="350" ..


Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis jr., Tony Bennett, Matt Dusk, Anything from the 70's from R&B to Calssic Rock, Kiss, Guns N Roses, Poison, Whitesnake, etc., All Old School Rap: Bid Daddy Kane, LL, NWA, Public got the idea!


GodFather 1&2, Scarface, It's A Wonderful Life, Batman Begins, Superman, Spiderman , 29th Street(go rent this movie it is phenomenal!)..list is too long, so I'll start with these. If you want to know more just ask me. OH YEAH...WHITE CHICKS...LOL!!


All Bugs Bunny & Friends cartoons, NY Yankees & Giants, Superhero cartoons, Seinfeld, Smallville, the First 48, Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel, MTV reality shows, anything to do with Aliens & UFOs and conspiracy theories, Batman from the Adam West days and keeping up with all the news in the world.


Art of War, Angels & Demons, the DaVinci Code, anything science related from Worm Holes to new technology, Dale Carnegie's: How to Win Friends & Influence People....again many more, but these are good for starters.


My mom...of course.

My Blog

The Dream Blog

So since my posting on dreams I have had an overwhelming response from people's experience with dreams and their meanings.  I don't know why we dream or what the meanings of them are, but I will ...
Posted by jon on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 05:29:00 PST