Every Sunday we play foot ball so thats a good time, softball season just got over but i look forward to next year already, basketball pick up games here and there other wise just hang out with my buddies and my girlfriend or my family sometimes 2 of those at once...shhh dont tell
Top Gun, Goodfellas, Shawshank Redemption, Saving Silverman, Scareface, The Count of Monte Cristo... so on and so on you get the picture right???
Pittsburgh Steelers football whatever channel it may be on, sportscenter, and
i did the same book report 4 time on white fang 4 times .......otherwise its pretty much just magazines like Superstreetbike, espn, si, sports and and auto related most times
My mom is my hero she has been through more than any one person should have to and she still has more drive and ambition than any one person I know. She never stops and I think that is by far the best quality anyone could have be it her, you, or me never give up....